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Crowded about Bathing at Night Causes Wet Lungs, Doctor Says This

KOMPAS.com – Uploads of videos stating that taking a shower at night can cause wet lungs has been circulating on Tiktok’s social media.

Upload made by this account on (19/12/2022). The upload states why parents always forbid not taking a bath at night.

“So hit the lung” wet????,” wrote the uploader.


As of Thursday (23/2/2023) afternoon, this video has been viewed 3.5 million times and received more than 4,400 comments from netizens.

Also read: Recognize the Symptoms of Wet Lung that Need to Watch Out for

Netizen response

“As far as I know, taking a shower at night is fine as long as it’s not later than 10 o’clock using warm water and trying to take a shower for about five minutes,” wrote account @user142973532.

“I rarely bathe but my lungs are still wet,” said the account owner @nabnabbbb.

“It doesn’t affect taking a shower at night or wet lungs,” said the doctor, said @gimo99_

So, is it true that bathing at night can cause someone to get wet lungs?

Doctor’s explanation

Responding to this, General Chair of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) Agus Dwi Susanto said that wet lungs were not caused by bathing at night.

“It’s not true, taking a shower at night doesn’t cause wet lungs,” he said when contacted by Kompas.com, Thursday (23/2/2023).

Wet lungs are generally caused by bacterial infections. This is because the person’s immunity or immune power is not strong against the entry of germs through the respiratory tract.

In addition, Agus also said, the cause of pneumonia is caused by the condition of germs that enter through the breath is very high, even though the body’s immunity is in good condition. So that it causes a lung infection.

“So the cause is not due to frequent bathing at night, but due to infection from germs that enter through the breath,” he explained.

Also read: [VIDEO] Hoax! Bathing at Night Causes Wet Lungs

In line with Agus, a pulmonary specialist at Dr Moewardi Surakarta Harsini Hospital also conveyed the same thing.

“Not true, showering at night has no effect on wet lungs,” he told Kompas.com, Thursday (23/2/2023).

“The fact that after searching, bathing at night can cause wet lungs is just a myth,” he added.

He explained, the pleura itself is a thin membrane that covers the lungs and the inside of the chest cavity.

Wet lung is caused by an infection which is often a virus, a bacteria that comes from the air.

But until now there is no scientific research evidence that proves that bathing at night can cause wet lungs.

Also read: 13 Signs of Wet Lungs in Children to Watch Out for

Causes of wet lungs


illustration of various symptoms of wet lung alert

Harsini explained, wet lung is a layman’s term that describes lung tissue submerged in fluid. This can occur due to lung infections, heart failure, or other diseases.

Pneumonia (pulmonary infection) or pneumonia can occur when the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) are filled with fluid instead of air.

“The cause itself can be caused by a viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infection,” he said.

In addition, bad habits can also cause wet lungs such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or malnutrition which also increases the risk of pneumonia (lung infection).

“Have just had a cold or flu, or been exposed to certain chemicals, pollutants, or toxic fumes can also be a factor in causing pneumonia,” he added.

Also read: 8 Symptoms of Wet Lungs to Watch Out for

Wet lung sign

Harsini also conveyed the signs and symptoms experienced by someone with pneumonia. In general, the signs are as follows:

  • Cough: May be dry or may produce thick yellow, green, brown or blood-stained mucus (sputum).
  • Difficulty breathing: People with wet lung will have difficulty breathing where their breathing may be faster and shallower, feeling short of breath, during activity and even while resting.
  • rapid heartbeat

Myths about wet lungs

Shutterstock/Zyn Chakrapong

Illustration of bathing, the correct order of bathing according to health.

Wet lung is one of the common diseases that occurs and can be fatal to cause death.

Harsini said that there are several myths circulating in the community related to wet lungs such as sleeping with a fan, and also taking a shower at night.

Harsini also said that according to medical doctors, the best time to take a bath is in the morning after waking up and in the evening after doing activities.

“It is recommended to take a shower at least 2 times a day according to that time,” he said.

KOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo
Infographic: 5 Causes of Lung Cancer

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