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Crossing Ramadan and Containment Safely: Advice from a Specialist

Between a thousand and one recipes to try to keep fit in this month of Ramadan, some no longer know where to turn. To disentangle the true from the false, Dr. Moussayer Khadija, specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics, specifies that “fasting during the month of Ramadan is generally safe for practitioners and age is not in itself an obstacle to his good respect. “

Nevertheless, certain predispositions on the health level deserve to be stopped on a few specificities. According to the specialist, “there are absolute contraindications for unbalanced insulin-treated diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease and any other condition that does not support even a short fast.” She advises people in such cases to take stock with their attending physician so as not to “endanger their health”. She also proposes to “show responsibility in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic, especially after 75 years when fasting is rather not recommended,” says today.ma.

Regarding people with Covid-19, Dr. Moussayer explains that “those who are severely affected by the disease or who have a particular frailty due to age, obesity, a chronic disease should refrain from observe the Ramadan fast ”. She specifies that the fact that beyond deprivation of all kinds, “it must be accompanied by barrier gestures such as regular washing and maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter between people”. The wearing of masks, which became compulsory on April 7, is in addition to these measures.

However, according to the doctor, having a mask, even a non-medical and artisanal one, is good, using it correctly is even better. “The mask under the chin or hanging on the ear, time to chat with someone, then put back after being manipulated in all directions, this is what should not be done. To be effective, a mask must in fact remain in place and be touched as little as possible, ”she explains.

She also reports that a new marker has just appeared in the symptoms of covid-19. “This is the conclusion of a large European study which shows that such sensory alterations occur in 80% to 90% of the cases studied in Europe and then regress rapidly for almost half of the subjects,” warns Dr Moussayer.

Finally, a major and very important detail, the specialist recalls that in this period of confinement and fasting, “it is necessary to strengthen the immune defenses by taking measures against anxiety. It is asked to bring in the eating habits, the consumption of fruits and vegetables. A point of honor is put on sleep time, the duration of which must be between 7 and 8 hours, while practicing flexibility and muscle building exercises, still reads on the newspaper.

The specialist also warns that “people spending more than 7 hours a day in a sitting position in front of a television screen have an 85% higher risk of cardiovascular mortality than those spending less than an hour a day in front of the television ”, specifies the same source.

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