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Cross the Russian-Georgian border by scooter

Photo: @ermolaevaAV / Telegram

Many hours of traffic jam have formed on the border between Russia and Georgia

Since the evening of September 21, huge queues have formed of people wishing to leave the territory of the Russian Federation at the Russian-Georgian border.

After the mobilization announced by Putin, the Russians began to flee the country. As a result, huge traffic jams have formed on the border between Russia and Georgia at the Upper Lars checkpoint. According to the Telegram channel Echo of the Caucasus, to cross the border by car, you have to queue for at least 10 hours.

However, Russians who want to flee the territory of Russia quickly have begun to switch to bicycles and scooters.

“You can’t cross the border on foot, but using roller skates, scooters and bicycles you can get past the border guards faster, in a separate line,” explains the SOTA Telegram channel.

It should be noted that the condition for crossing the Russian-Georgian border – “being on wheels” has already become a “gold mine” for some enterprising local residents.

It should be noted that the Upper Lars checkpoint is the only land crossing through which it is possible to legally enter Georgia, all other methods are illegal or involve a rather large detour through the territory of Azerbaijan.

As reported, during the mobilization in Russia they plan convene at least 300 thousand people.

The seventh secret paragraph of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin contains more information on the volume of mobilization in the Russian Federation: to the army can call up to 1 million Russiansthe media say.

Experts have already called the mobilization in Russia “Putin’s funeral campaign”.

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