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Cross-border insecurity: Cameroon and Chad agree to set up a joint working group

the two countries share approximately 1,100 km of border.

This is the substance of the meeting held yesterday Tuesday October 3, 2023 in Yaoundé, between Joseph Beti Assomo, Minister Delegate to the Presidency in charge of Defense and the Chadian Minister of the Armed Forces, Dooud Yaya Brahim.

We must combat cross-border insecurity; terrorism ; armed interstate transhumance; various illicit trafficking; the circulation of armed bands and weapons of all calibers in addition to other threats coming from beyond Cameroonian and Chadian territories.

This is the substance of the meeting held yesterday Tuesday October 3, 2023 in Yaoundé, between Joseph Beti Assomo, Minister Delegate to the Presidency in charge of Defense (Mindef) and the Chadian Minister of the Armed Forces, Dooud Yaya Brahim. Indeed, the two countries share approximately 1,100 km of border.

Cameroon Tribune of this Wednesday, October 4, 2023 informs that according to the final communiqué which sanctioned the meeting, the two ministers agreed to the establishment of a joint working group to promote and accelerate the resolution of problems at the border.

The newspaper informs that a date must already be found to examine in N’Djamena (Chadian capital), the draft agreement proposed by the Chadian side with a view to establishing a joint agreement on security.

A mechanism must also be put in place to enable the exchange of information. Furthermore, contacts must be strengthened between local authorities along the border, so that problems linked to security in various traffics and customs fraud can be better controlled.

Joseph Beti Lesson

« Common challenges require us to act in close cooperation »

“Our two countries share a common border of approximately 1,100 km. This geographic reality and common challenges require us to have the wisdom to act in close cooperation and to pool our efforts to achieve the objectives set by our heads of state. I am glad that we did not wait until this meeting to do so. Indeed, for about a decade, Cameroon and Chad have been engaged in the fight against the terrorist group Boko Haram as part of the Multinational Joint Force of the Lake Chad Basin Commission whose command post is located in N ‘Djamena and which permanently welcomes Cameroonian soldiers. In the field of training, Cameroon welcomes Chadian trainees to its training schools every year, in full brotherhood of arms.”

Dooud Yaya Brahim

« The defense forces stand hand in hand »

“I would like to reassure you that it is in a very friendly spirit that we have been received in Yaoundé since Sunday. This continued with the meeting of our experts on Monday, followed by the meeting of the chiefs of staff and the meeting between the two ministers. This very fruitful meeting focused on the security of people and goods at the border between Cameroon and Chad. We discussed at length to take steps to secure our populations. I welcome this initiative advocated by the two heads of state who instructed us to establish relative security at this border. The Chadian and Cameroonian defense forces stand hand in hand, not only in the Multinational Joint Force, but always to ensure the security of people and property.”

Source: Cameroon Tribune from Wednesday October 4, 2023

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