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Criticism of KPK Employees Not Passing TWK


Former chairman of the House of Representatives, Fahri Hamzah |, questioned the employees NCP who did not graduate National Insight Test (TWK) as a selection process over status to ASN. The statement became a counterattack for Fahri.

The KPK investigator, Harun Al-Rasyid, assessed that Fahri did not know much about what was happening in the KPK. Aaron said his party has been shouting since Perkom No. 1 of 2021 confirmed.

“When the Perkom No. 1/2021 was passed, we shouted. What does FH know? got the complete information he received,” Harun told reporters, Saturday (12/6/2021) night.

Harun said Fahri Hamzah did not like the KPK since the case of Rokhmin Dahuri (Minister of KP for the Gotong Royong Cabinet 2001-2004). In fact, said Harun, the KPK has never attacked individuals or groups.

“Since the Rokhmin case, he was his personal staff, so he started to be threatened there, then he joined PKS, LHI (Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq) got hit, that’s why we didn’t attack and kill the party, but we behaved as a person, in the end Fahri was expelled by PKS That’s his behavior,” he said.

“Indeed, from the start he hated death because of the Rokhmin case. Previously, Fahri had nothing to say. geeky he used to be, can’t say anything, that’s not the case for me handle it, but I’m already at the KPK,” continued Harun.

The head of the KPK investigators task force, Harun Al-Rasyid (Photo: Kadek/detikcom)–

Harun then mentioned the case of the export of fried shrimp that ensnared the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo. Harun considers Fahri involved in a conflict of interest.

“The second case is Fahri’s fried fries. It’s still one company that we handle, later there will be 40 companies, Fahri has a fried shrimp export company. I’m afraid he’s actually very nervous. He’s full of interests,” said Fahri. Harun, who is known as the ‘King of Hand Capture Operations (OTT)’ at the KPK.

Besides Harun, other employees who did not pass the TWK also responded, namely the Director of Anti-Corruption Socialization and Campaign, Giri Suprapdiono. He was not surprised by Fahri’s statement. Read more

Also watch ‘Supported to be KSP, Fahri Hamzah: I choose to be the people’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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