The flows of certain rivers in Gironde reach critical thresholds in August, despite the summer storms. In order to preserve this resource, the prefecture issued an order to restrict the use of water, in particular the filling of swimming pools and the watering of gardens.
Despite recent storms, some rivers in Gironde are in bad shape in August 2023. On Friday August 11, the prefecture tightened restrictions on the use of water from rivers and their tablecloths in several areas of the department. Six are placed in “crisis” drought, the maximum alert level.
Can you water your garden in the middle of the day, wash your vehicle or fill your swimming pool? Below are the watersheds affected by the different alert levels, along with the water restrictions that apply to them. Watersheds whose alert level changed on August 11 are in bold.
Crisis areas
Andouille and Dropt basin : Monségur, Cours-de-Monségur, Taillecavat, Sainte-Gemme, Saint-Sulpice-de-Guilleragues Lisos basin: Hure, Noaillac, Sigalens, Grignols, Masseilles, Cours-les-Bains, Cauvignac, Aillas Virvée basin and du Moron: Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Bourg, Saint-Savin, Prignac-et-Marcamps, Asques, La Landes-de-Fronsac, Val-de-Virvée, Tauriac, Pugnac, Saint-Sylvain-de-Blaye, Civrac-de-Blaye, Saint-Christoly-de-Blaye, Gauriaguet Gravouse-Durèze-Soulège basin: Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Pessac-sur-Dordogne, Gensac, Saint-Avit-Saint-Nazaire, Pineuilh, Saint-André-et-Appelles, La Roquille, Margueron, Ligueux, Riocaud, Eynesses, Les Lèves-et-Thoumeyragues, Caplong, Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong, Saint-Avit-de-Soulège, Coubeyrac Bassin de la Gamage and Escouach: Civrac-sur-Dordogne, Saint-Pey-de-Castets, Pujols, Siante-Florence-Saint-Vincent-de-Pertignas, Mérignas, Bossugan, Ruch, Saint-Quentin-du-Queyret Barbanne basin , Lavie and the Palace: Pomerol, Montagne, Saint-Denis-de-Pile, Néac, Saint-Dènes-de-Castillon, Puisseguin, Sablons, Abzac, Les Artigues-de-Lussac, Lussac, Saint-Palais-et- Cornemps, Tayac, Francs, Saint Cibard
Infographic of restrictions in “crisis” level. • © France 3 Aquitaine
Areas on heightened alert
Basin of the Jalle de Castelau : Pauillac, Castelnaud-de-Médoc, Avensan, Lamarque, Cussac-Fort-Médoc, Arcins, Moulis, Listrac-Médoc, Saint-Laurent-Médoc, Saint-Sauveur
Bassanne, Beuve and Brion basin : Langon, Bazas, Bassanne, Castets-et-Castillon, Auros, Bieujac, Saint-Pardon-de-Conques, Coimères, Brouqueyran, Berthez, Saint-Loubert, Brannes, Savignac, Blaignac, Loupic-de-la-Réole, Pondaurat , Gans, Labescau, Sendets, Lazos, Cazats, Mazères, Le Nizan, Roaillan, Aubiac
Laurina Basin and Jalle de Ludon : Margaux-Cantenac, Macau, Arsac, Ludon-Médoc, Parempuyre, Le Pian-Médoc, Soussans
Livenne basin : Blaye, Etauliers, Reignac, Saint-Aubin-de-Blaye, Saint-Cires-sur-Gironde, Saint-Martin-Lacaussade, Cars, Saugon, Braud-et-Saint-Louis, Anglade, Cartelègue, Saint-Seurin-de -Cursac, Berson, Gauriac, Saint-Paul, Val-de-Livenne,Donnac
Vinague basin : La Réole, Sauveterre-de-Guyenne, Gironde-sur-Dropt, Camiran, Morizès, Saint-Martin-de-l’Herm, Neuffons, Coutures, Caumont, Castemoron-d’Albret, Saint-Laurent-du-Plan, Saint-Exupéry, Sainte-Foy-la-Longue, Saint-Laurent-du-Bois, Saint-Martin-du-Puy, Rimons, Sainte-Ferme, Dieulivol, Pellegrue, Blasimon Basin of the Gua channel, the Deyre and the Talais: Lesparre-Médoc, Soulac-sur-Mer, Gaillan-en-Médoc, Le Verdon, Talais, Grayan-et-l’Hôpital, Vendays-Montalivet, Naujac, Gaillac, Saint-Vivien-de-Médoc, Vensac, Queyrac , Bégadan, Vertheuil, Saint-Estèphe, Cissac-Médoc, Saint-Germain-d’Esteuil, Ordonnac, Blaignan-Prignac, Conquèques, Saint-Yzans-de-Madoc, Saint-Christoly-Médoc, Valeyrac, Jau-Dignac-et -Loirac Gaillardon and Euille basin: Langoiran, Lestiac-sur-Garonne, Porte-de-Benauge, Capian, Rions, Cadillac-sur-Garonne, Haux, Créon, Semens, Gabarnac, Donzac, Targon Pimpine basin : Quinsac, Camblanes-et-Meynac, Saint-Capris-de-Bordeaux, Madirac, Sadirac, Latresne, Cenac Laurence basin: Saint-Germain-du-Puch, Saint-Sulpice-et-Cameyrac, Beychac-et-Caillau , Montussan, Izon, Vayres, Camarsac, Salleboeuf, Loupes, Le Pout, Croignon, Cursan Engranne and Canaudonne basin: Rauzan, Grézillac, Coirac, Branne, Saint-Vincent-de-Pertignas, Saint-Brice, Romagne , Naujan-et-Postiac, Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac Fongaban and Langrane basin: Saint-Émilion, the north of Castillon-la-Bataille, Vignonnet, Saint-Terre, Saint-Laurant-des-Combes, Saint -Sulpice-de-Faleyrens, Sainte-Colombe, Saint-Magne-de-Castillon, Saint-Pey-d’Armance Lidoire basin: Gardegan-et-Tourtirac, Saint-Philippe-d’Aiguille, Les Salles-de- Castillon, Blevès-de-Castillon Downstream Dronne basin: Églisottes-et-Chalaures, Saint-Christophe-de-Double, Le Fieu
Infographic of restrictions in “enhanced alert” level. • © France 3 Aquitaine
Areas on alert
Coastal basin is Arcachon : Andernos-les-Bains, Biganos, Lanton, Audenge, Marcheprime
Bassin du Saucats : Landiras, La Brède, Saint-Selve, Beautiran, Portets, Louchats, Saint-Magne, Hostens, Cabanac-et-Villagrands, Saucats, Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret, Illats, Landiras, Preignac Bassin de l’Isle aval- confluence: Coutras, Paintings, Lagorce, Saint-Médard-de-Guizières, Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle, Porchères, Saint-Antoine-sur-l’Isle
Alert level restrictions infographic. • © France 3 Aquitaine
#Drought #Watering #swimming #pools.. #water #restrictions #Gironde #August