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Crítica de Steignyr: The Legacy of Wyrd

There are certain genres that it is always curious to hear in the skin of the bull. This is actually an impressive villagerism that has to do with that widespread slogan for rednecks that we have heard a thousand times that the outside is simply better for the mere fact of being a foreigner. As if being born in a certain place will make it possible or prevent you from suddenly playing a certain type of music. Let’s grow up at once, gentlemen.

If the group in question were Scandinavian, more than one would freak out and say that in that country they know how to do things differently, a foolish thing similar to those of the haughty Nordics who see those from southern Europe as a shortcut of lazy people. and thugs. We are going to demolish a myth, this formation comes from Barcelona and they define their style as “epic celtic death metal”, A bombastic category, okay, but completely justified, since in his songs we find elements of very different styles.

An extensive prologue where we hear different sounds such as the wind, mysterious footsteps or a beautiful female voice welcomes us to the universe of ‘The Legacy of Wyrd’, a kind of parallel world similar to ‘Game of Thrones’ – in fact, in the On the disc you will hear narrations by actors Peter Dinklage and Kit Harrington – or Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’. “Mendo” has a very evocative beginning in a folk key before the guttural voice breaks in and the revolutions increase in passing, much in the line of what Ensiferum could do.

The epic feel stands out on “The Coming Of Aland”, with a decent overlay of guttural and melodic tones, while the eponymous “The Legacy Of Wyrd” relaxes the piston with its acoustic ambience of folk instruments. Perfect for singing over a bonfire in the middle of the forest. “The Rising of Death” would say that it is one of the most successful pieces of the album for its brutal combination of voices, once again, but also for its orchestrations and the undisguised prominence of the feminine tones that rise above all with an air of deity. Superb. “Edevane” It puts the brakes on a bit until the threshold of halftime, although the quality does not diminish by any means and the death metal component is still very present.

With the energetic start of “Travelers” I think again about Scandinavian combos, despite the fact that these Catalans have a clear personality of their own. “Immortal Family” is a really complex piece where without abandoning the epic perhaps bordering on the progressive. In a path similar to the previous one, “Rhythm of Time” moves, another of those tracks that shows that the label that I mentioned at the beginning of the review is by no means a ghost, as there is death whiplash, folk instrumentation and even a slight halo power metal. Machete variety.

“The Well of Ice” goes a little more unnoticed before the lively “The Giant Pilar of Rock”, where they hit the gas fully without leaving any characteristic element of theirs along the way. Another of the great successes of the album. “Everything Silent” maintains the nostalgia power and paves the way for “Aftermath”, a kind of instrumental compendium of everything that is cool about this album. The only thing missing was an epilogue to match and that is provided by the narration of actor Ian McKellen (The Lord of the Rings, X-Men). Pure elegance.

A server is not killed today by folk metal and similar styles, but justice is to recognize a work that treasures quality in spurts and that should be of the first level compared to the rest of European countries. Needless to say, fans of the genre who are unaware of the existence of this wonder are wasting their time. But if that is not the case, nothing happens, it is still highly recommended to give them a listen. They sure surprise you in some way.

Alfredo Villaescusa

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