Home » today » Technology » Cristina Pedroche will denounce the insults she receives through Instagram

Cristina Pedroche will denounce the insults she receives through Instagram

You’re uglier than hitting a father with a sweaty sock. Cara travelo “,” Sow son of a bitch “,” Take care of the cup sow “,” Whore sow “,” It is true you have a body and a face especially of travelo “,” Moron “… Cristina Pedroche placeholder image has shared with his followers of Instagram various abuse that he has received through the social network and that he assures that it holds, although that does not mean “that it does not hurt.

The presenter confirms that, “from now on I will not only restrict each hate comment but I will also report. I think this is the only way we have for this to end once and for all. A statement of intent with which Cristina Pedroche placeholder image joins the long list of celebrities who have rejected and asked for solutions for this type of behavior, so common in the digital community.

‘Influencers’ like Laura Escanes and Rocío Osorno have already spoken openly about the subject, even Maria Pombo ensuring that you have had to request specialized attention to manage these comments. And it is that more and more people are wondering to what extent they have to accept the insults that come to them through social networks for being public figures.

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