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Cristina Kirchner: “The BBC sees it”

The former president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, shared on his social networks a note from the BBC which accounts for the drop in consumption of meat, milk and yerba mate. In her post, the former vice president also stated: “The BBC News Mundo has just published a note with the following title: “Meat, milk and yerba mate: the historic falls in Argentine consumption (and how exports of these products increased) “The BBC… sees it.”

In the note signed by the journalist, Veronica Smink, It is noted that: “In his first three months of government reduced public spending by 13 points of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)thus reducing in one fell swoop the enormous fiscal deficit that Argentina was dragging.”

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

“But the other side is a very strong recession, aggravated by many of the measures that Milei took, such as the devaluation of the currency by half, the drastic reduction in the interest rate and, above all, the containment of pensions and salaries, that have remained below inflation,” the article adds.

And he completes: “Mass consumption collapsed. In March, it fell for the fourth consecutive month, registering a drop of 19% year-on-year, according to the consulting firm Focus Market. The clearest sign of this crisis can be seen in the drop in sales of three of the products that Argentines consume the most. The consumption of milk, meat and yerba mate fell in the first quarter. 18.7%, 17.6% and 9.2% respectively.

Javier Milei got angry in an interview when he was asked about personal issues: “It seems disrespectful to me”

Workers’ inflation was 9.2% in April, but accumulates more than 300% in 12 months

The general increase in prices for workers was 9.2% in April and was driven by the Housing expenses, which rose 21% in the month. The data for the quarter reaches 71,2% y shows a deceleration; However, it is driven by a sharp drop in consumption.

The data corresponds to the latest report of the Institute of Workers Statistics (IET) of the Metropolitan University for Education and Work (UMET) and the Center for Concertation and Development (CCD), “worker inflation stood at 9.2% in April, slowing down by 1.2 points compared to March values,” the report indicated.


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