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Cristina Kirchner steps into the ring against Milei while seeking to order Peronism

The second letter is 25 pages shorter than the first. This time, he published only eight pages so that the leaders of the Unión por la Patria would not have the excuse of not having finished reading such a long text, as some complained in a low voice in February, when Cristina Kirchner broke his silence after the electoral defeat. The former vice president pointed the finger at the management of Javier Miley and argued hand in hand with the head of state through the networks, but he also wanted to talk about a Peronism that describes asleep discussing where to go.

He did not speak in the first person, but he referred to a Peronism that “was twisted” et “fair“And how are we going home?” he asked himself as a form of self-criticism that he called “an examination of ideas and experiences.” Although many of the lists concern the government of Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner request to open debates that his own government did not want to give. He has already done so in the first letter of February: moving to a unified tax system, rethinking the public health system, reviewing the efficiency of the State; putting forward a plan to update jobs; rethinking the operation of public schools; the role of security policy and even in the integration of public companies.

Now he has added the question to the clientelism which irritated a middle class, the advantages granted to concentrated sectors of the economy and the failure to pay attention to the advancement of technology and communication tools. “It seems that this is not enough for some. They want me to say ‘I am a bad girl, a witch and it is all my fault'”they say in the privacy of the Patria Institute.

Authoritarians don’t like it.

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. This is why it disturbs those who believe they hold the truth.

Cristina Kirchner wants to win 2025 and 2027. He is thinking about the electoral future of the space and that is why he proposes to open the discussion. He assures that these issues are not imposed on him, but that the citizens themselves submit them to the discussion when they vote for Milei. Other Peronist leaders also see how the Unión por la Patria promised in the last campaign to go to a place that many voters rejected. “If we won, we would make a phenomenal effort to, for example, maintain the transportation subsidy for a guy who did not want to have a subsidy,” an important leader assessed this week in front of PERFIL seeing how even those who suffer from the adjustment of the State accept libertarian measures.

CFK’s first letter went unnoticed in its own space. “Maybe in our own space they want to continue discussing Victoria Villarruel and the impeachment. We want to see how we win,” they say from nearby.

This Friday immediately resonated and it was due to the crossing that occurred with Javier Milei. The president was quick to respond. “I know that you do not understand much about the economy, as evidenced by the fact that you have surrounded yourself with digitally illiterate people who have destroyed the country with their economic shamanism, but if you want to learn a little, turn on the television today at 7:00. 1:00, I will teach you a lesson,” the president launched on X (ex Twitter).

This was the response to a message published this Friday early in the day by CFK in which he published a letter with strong criticism of the libertarian leadership. “Who believes himself to be a leader loved and admired throughout the world, but to whom no one lends him a dollar. At this point in the evening, we must almost talk about Milei, the ex-libertarian,” said the former president after listing the interventions of the LLA government on the price of the dollar, the price of money and the price of labor. “It has only published the fourth price of the economy, that of goods and services, but with certain limits: the prices of electricity, gas and transport still maintain meager subsidies, in certain segments of users,” he wrote.

For now, both choose each other as political enemies. And Cristina Kirchner does not want to give up her fame. To be continued.


#Cristina #Kirchner #gets #into #the #ring #against #Milei #looking #for #everything #to #order #Peronism

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