Home » today » Entertainment » Cristina Kirchner met with restored grandchildren | To give him the book “The grandchildren tell you how it was – Stories of identity”

Cristina Kirchner met with restored grandchildren | To give him the book “The grandchildren tell you how it was – Stories of identity”

Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner shared through her social networks images of what was her last hearing in office: a meeting with her restored grandchildren Mariana Zaffaroni Islas, Sabrina Gulliano Valenzuela Negro, Paula Eva Logares, Paula Cortassa Zapata, Alejandro Pedro Sandoval and Juan José Morales, who went to give him a copy of the book The grandchildren tell you what it was like. Identity stories (Marea Editorial).

“The book is an authentic illustrated historical testimony and a tribute to Memory, Truth and Justice. I think also to love and life,” wrote CFK.

The grandsons… It was written by journalist Analía Argento – also author of De Vuelta a Casa, which brings together the stories of 13 restored grandchildren and their families – and by Mariana Zaffaroni Islas, daughter of María Emilia Islas and Jorge Zaffaroni and granddaughter of María Ester Gatti; The illustrations are by Sabrina Gulliano Valenzuela Negro, daughter of Raquel Carolina Ángela Negro and Edgar Tulio “Tucho” Valenzuela and granddaughter of Ermelina Paoletti de Negro.

The book is aimed at a children’s audience so that their grandchildren can tell, in first person, their life stories. “Can you imagine discovering that your mother and father are not who you think? That there is a family looking for you? That you have a different name and even your birthday is different? Knowing the grandchildren who appeared is the first step to find those who are missing. Can you help us?”, they invite.

2023-12-09 04:07:35
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