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Cristiano Ronaldo apologizes and launches a proposal to the fan who broke the mobile

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The Manchester United going through one of the most complicated seasons in recent times. And that the red devils have not enjoyed great joy for a long time. Not even the return of Cristiano Ronaldo a Old Trafford It has caused the turn of the screw that was so expected. And it is that if the club is not having a good time, even less so the Portuguese striker.

This weekend, the red devils fell defeated in front of Everton. There the worst side of Cristiano was seen. First, on the field of play. The Portuguese international was one of the protagonists of an ugly entrance at the height of the shin. Ronaldo suffered it and proof of this is the injury that he did not hide from the cameras and that left him very hot.

Second, because of what was already seen outside the green. When he was heading into the locker room tunnel, after the defeat was complete, a fan said something to a Cristiano Ronaldo who didn’t like his words at all. So much so that he broke this follower’s cell phone.

A flash of anger that had not been seen in him for a long time. And a totally reprehensible attitude. But to rectify is wise. And the former Real Madrid player has done it for a long time. He has intoned the ‘MEA culpa‘ and wanted to launch a proposal as a sign of forgiveness to the fan he offended.

“It is never easy to deal with emotions in difficult times like the one we are experiencing. However, we always have to be respectful, patient and set an example for all young people who love the beautiful game. I would like to apologize for my outburst and, if possible, I would like to invite this fan to watch a game at Old Trafford as a sign of fair play and sportsmanship,” the Portuguese striker wrote on his Twitter account. Instagram.

open investigation

As reported from EnglandThe facts will be investigated. Manchester United itself has already remarked that they will help in everything that is in their hands. This is how they spoke from the club about the “alleged post-match incident” against Everton: “The club will co-operate with any police investigation.”

This video soon became a true viral phenomenon. Social networks were flooded with comments regarding the sequence starring Cristiano Ronaldo. We will have to wait to confirm or not if the matter that occurred in Goodison Park It has its consequences for the veteran footballer.

How is the boy?

After what happened, it became known that the fan whose mobile Cristiano broke is a young man of just 14 years old and with autism. The boy’s mother, Sarah Kelly, spoke to Liverpool Echo about the facts and also published in his profile of Facebook images of how his son’s hand was left after Ronaldo’s slap and the state of the phone.

“Full time, the Man United players started walking. We were at Park End so we were right next to the tunnel they were walking through; my son was there filming them all. He filmed all the United players walking. And “Then he lowered the phone because Ronaldo had lowered his sock and his leg was bleeding. He lowered the phone to see what it was, he didn’t even speak,” the mother said.

“Ronaldo just walked past, in a terrible, terrible temper and ripped the phone out of my son’s hand and kept walking. You can see from the bruise that he made contact. I just can’t believe he’s talking about it,” Sarah continued. Kelly. “I was crying, I was in shock, Jacob was in complete shock, he’s autistic,” the woman added in the middle of Liverpool.

Sarah Kelly highlighted her son’s admiration for the Portuguese: “He’s really upset about it and puts him off completely from going back to a match. This is the first football game he has been to and this has happened. We had an absolutely brilliant day until those last few seconds when they came off the field. Completely ruined the day and left a bad taste in our mouths. He is an idol. Yes, he is not from Everton and you like who you like, but Ronaldo is a great player. My son has always been like ‘Ronaldo is going to be there’.”

He would understand if Jake was waving it in his face, but he wasn’t near his face, he was on the ground checking on his wound. He is an autistic boy and has been assaulted by a football player, that’s how I see him as a mom, “said Sarah Kelly in the midst of the ongoing investigation.

[Más información: La última decisión de Mbappé antes de su fichaje por el Real Madrid]

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