Cristiana Ciacci, daughter of the singer Little Tony who died ten years ago, in 2013, explicitly apologizes to Gino Paoli, a guest at Sanremo 2023. “I don’t understand why Gino Paoli, who is a great artist, said such a thing” he said the 51-year-old at “Italian Stories. Thus Little Tony’s daughter responded to the anecdote told by the Genoese singer-songwriter at the Sanremo Festival in which she recounted the alleged betrayals suffered by Little Tony.
“A public offense, a public apology”
According to Paoli, Tony asked him for advice on “how to deal with a woman who is cheating on you”. Theme and phrase very little appreciated by her daughter: “I would like a public apology”, she said on the show “Italian Stories” “What was done on the Ariston stage, which is seen all over the world, is a public offense for all intents and purposes and I ask for a public apology on behalf of my family and all of Dad’s fans.” To Eleonora Daniele the 51 year old, who told of having suffered from anorexia for 12 years, she said: “she did it against a person who is no longer there and cannot defend himself. I don’t know if that’s true or not, I don’t think so, but if it were, I found it very indelicate.”