Home » today » World » CRISIS VENEZUELA – Maduro asks “all the nations of the world” to witness the legislative elections

CRISIS VENEZUELA – Maduro asks “all the nations of the world” to witness the legislative elections

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has asked “all nations of the world” to witness the legislative elections planned for this year and the “popular victory to recover the National Assembly” of the country, which is in the hands of the opposition.

“This year there are elections in Venezuela, I make an invitation to the nations of the world, social and political leaders to accompany us and be witnesses,” said the Venezuelan leader, who has indicated extended the invitation to all cultural, religious and religious leaders. Institutional of the world.

Thus, he has welcomed ambassadors from different parts of the world and has expressed his support for the Government and people of Iraq in the fight to expel US troops from the country after the bombing perpetrated by Washington in which Iranian General Qasem Soleimani died .

In relation to the tour of the self-proclaimed “president in charge” and Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, Maduro has asserted that “the opposition had never degraded so much” and has pointed out his strategies of being a “failure.”

The leader has also defended the electoral system of Venezuela and stressed that it is the “best in the world.”

Maduro already invited the United Nations on Thursday to appoint a delegation to observe the legislative elections, as well as the “Government of Mexico, Argentina, Panama, the European Union, the Contact Group and the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, to accompany Venezuela in the negotiation for an electoral agreement with broad guarantees. “

“The path of Venezuela is democracy, freedom, voting, participation and the prominence of the people,” he said then, before stressing that his goal is to put in place new measures to “safeguard the elections” and get him to participate in this way. “all opposition”.

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