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Crisis of vocations, working conditions, contractual … The lack of teachers does not spare the Yonne

The number of candidates for the Capes, competition to teach in college or high school, is collapsing. Only 816 eligible candidates in mathematics this year for 1,035 positions to be filled, 83 eligible for 215 positions in German…

Worrying figures which are partly explained by a reform of the competition this year (this one now takes place in Master 2 and no longer in Master 1), but which above all testify to the erosion of the number of applicants for teaching. . A disaffection which also concerns the first degree.

“The teaching profession is underpaid, the conditions are deplorable. A young teacher, with Bac + 5, earns 1.1 times the Smic”, laments Morgane. Originally from Valravillon, she obtained her English Capes last year and now teaches in Côte-d’Or. If she describes a “truly incredible job”, the young 22-year-old Icaunaise understands those who give up along the way. “This year, at least six people in my promotion have done it. The idea that we have of the job differs drastically from the reality on the ground, it is a job with an enormous mental load”.

“I wonder about my future”

Laura, originally from Avallonnais, is still a Master’s student. But the one who aspires to become a school teacher expresses her “disappointment with teacher training”. “Students are tired, morally exhausted by a training that has neither head nor tail and which offers too little practice,” she says. “I always wanted to become a school teacher, but today I am wondering about my future.”

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In Chevannes, Élodie ended up giving up. After years of study and a Master’s degree in hand, she did not manage to obtain the competition opening the doors of the first degree. “The first time I passed it, there were 55 places for Burgundy, against 360 the year before. The following year, the same, an extremely limited number of places.” The one who dreamed of being a school teacher in Yonne, will go so far as to retake the competition a third time, as a free candidate after her studies. In vain. “I experienced it as an injustice, I worked hard to get good grades, my Masters with honors… For nothing at all.”

At 36, Élodie is still struggling to bounce back today. “At one point, we had to say stop, I had to work. Except that it’s complicated because with a Bac +5, I have a management level in the private sector, but I specialize in teaching is hard to find.”

Just because you played in a sports club doesn’t mean you can be a PE teacher.

Due to a lack of teachers in sufficient numbers, the National Education is increasingly resorting to contract workers. Non-permanent agents, they are recruited to replace absent professors or fill vacant posts. Precarious working conditions and a lowering of the level of training that worry the unions. “It’s not because you played in a sports club that you can be a PE teacher. Today we are at the limit of saying that because you have children you can teach. We walk on the head “, laments Philippe Wante, departmental secretary of the FSU.

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“Arouse interest in the territory”

Even by opening teaching to contract workers without competition, the academies sometimes have difficulty in filling the outstanding positions. At the end of May, the academy of Versailles was talked about for the “job dating” intended to hire 1,300 teachers, via 30-minute interviews. “It’s staggering,” said Mathilde Pedrot, member of Snes, who however mentions the difficulties of recruitment in Yonne. “We know that in certain areas at the start of the school year, there will be no contract workers. In Yonne, colleagues have to make long journeys given the geography of the department, with the price of petrol, the costs are multiplied”.

“In the first degree last year, twenty contract positions were open, only 14 people were positioned”, assures Philippe Wante.
“The entire public service is now experiencing less attraction for its competitions”, admits Vincent Auber, academic director of the national education services in Yonne (Dasen).

“The use of contract workers can be a way of coping with difficulties, but the rate remains low, between 2 and 3%”. Regarding the geographical breakdown of the positions to be filled, Vincent Auber assures “try as far as possible to avoid too dispersed sharing of service”. “We don’t always succeed, but each situation is examined.” Aware of the problems of attractiveness affecting the department, Vincent Auber tries to “retain” young teachers. “We remain extremely attentive to arousing interest in the territory. For example, by having enough trainees in the first degree, because to keep young people, they have to come to us.”

premium Worrying decline in eligible for teacher competitions

Sophie Bardin
[email protected]

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