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Crisis in the United Right. Meeting of PiS politicians in Krakow

On Friday evening, politicians from Law and Justice met. The talks were held in the party’s Krakow headquarters, behind closed doors. It cannot be ruled out that they concerned tensions in the government coalition resulting from differences of opinion on the Animal Protection Act. After the meeting, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki did not answer journalists’ questions. MEP Ryszard Czarnecki said that “the findings are very positive” and the right will “certainly” continue to be united.

Law and Justice politicians came to Krakow on Friday to celebrate the so-called month of the funeral of Lech and Maria Kaczyński. PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński, along with other party politicians, attended the mass and laid flowers in the crypt with the sarcophagus of the presidential couple in the Wawel Cathedral. In the evening, Law and Justice politicians gathered at the headquarters of the party’s regional authorities.

He was accompanied, among others, by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Ryszard Terlecki, Deputy Speaker of the Senate Marek Pęk, Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin, Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister of Defense Mariusz Błaszczak, Deputy President of PiS Joachim Brudziński, Minister in the President’s Chancellery Krzysztof Szczerski, Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister head of the PiS Executive Committee Krzysztof Sobolewski, MEPs Ryszard Czarnecki and Elżbieta Kruk, and MPs Małgorzata Wassermann and Arkadiusz Mularczyk.

In the evening, Law and Justice politicians gathered at the headquarters of the regional party authorities at Retoryka Street in Krakow. Among the PiS leadership and the party’s leading politicians there were, among others, Jarosław Kaczyński, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin.

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Jarosław Kaczyński in KrakowArt Service/PAP

“The findings are very positive”

The head of the PiS club, the deputy speaker of the Sejm, Ryszard Terlecki, entering the meeting, said that politicians would have a “dinner” and talks about the future of the ruling camp would be held on Monday.

He also referred to Friday’s position of Solidarity Poland. Deputy Minister of State Assets Janusz Kowalski from Solidarna Polska stipulated that “any attempt” to dismiss Zbigniew Ziobro, the minister of justice, means elections“Terlecki commented on it with the words: – If they want to start alone, let them try.


Politicians of Law and Justice in KrakowTVN24

The TVN24 reporter also reported that Ryszard Czarnecki, PiS MEP, when asked about the future of the United Right coalition, assured that the coalition “is and will be”.

After the meeting, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki did not answer journalists’ questions. MEP Ryszard Czarnecki said that “the findings are very positive”, and the right will “certainly” remain united. When asked if Solidarna Polska remained in the government, he replied that “we will go together towards the future”. – I hope everything will turn out fine. A moment of reflection is needed. Everything will be fine – assured the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk.

READ ALSO: Coalition breakdown? This would affect the balance of power in the Sejm and the government >>>

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Ryszard Terlecki, Deputy Speaker of the SejmArt Service/PAP

Gowin: On Monday we will know at what stage the coalition talks are

Earlier, the leader of the Covenant Jarosław Gowin said on TVN24 that in his opinion “on Monday we will know at what stage the coalition talks are”. – I am convinced that this coalition can serve Poland well for the next three years. It will be a test of responsibility for each of the leaders and each of the groups to find a way out of this bend – he assessed.

The bone of contention among the coalition partners is, among others, the act on animal protection and the provision on the so-called impunity of officials in the act on combating COVID-19.

As Gowin said in an interview with TVN24, the Agreement does not change his mind on the Animal Protection Act. – We believe that at least many years of vacatio legis should be introduced there, especially when it comes to ritual slaughter. Fur farms are a separate issue – he said. – However, when it comes to the covid act, in my opinion, the Law and Justice is right here – he added.

When asked about possible preconditions for further talks, he assessed that “if these talks are to be successful, neither side can set any preconditions.” – It is a matter of responsibility for Poland – noted Gowin. – Here we need reflection on the part of each of us, including mine. Because I am not saying that I ate all my minds – continued the leader of the Agreement. “I think we will find a solution to this current turmoil,” he added.

READ MORE: What is a bone of contention in government? >>>


Gowin on the future of the United Right TVN24

Two laws at the root of tensions in the United Right

On Thursday, MPs were to vote on a draft amendment to the so-called covid law, which would create the possibility of not recognizing as a crime an act of violating official duties or other regulations by a person acting to prevent and combat COVID-19. Ultimately, the bill was withdrawn from the agenda of the Sejm on Thursday, when Zbigniew Ziobro announced that the MPs from Solidarity Poland would not vote for the proposed bill.

Sejm at night from Thursday to Friday on the other hand, it passed an amendment to the law on animal protection, the provisions of which divided the coalition partners in the United Right. Of the 229 representatives of the PiS club present in the room, 38 MPs voted against the bill, all of them from Solidarna Polska; 15 Covenant members abstained from voting, and two were against. Jadwiga Emilewicz, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, voted for the amendment.

The head of the PiS club, Ryszard Terlecki, announced in the Sejm that in connection with these events the coalition of the United Right “practically does not exist” and that “of course there is a minority government perspective.” Marek Suski from PiS also said on TVN24 that we have a minority government, and called the politicians of Solidarity Poland and the Agreement “former coalition partners”.

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Prime Minister Mateusz MorawieckiArt Service/PAP

Agreement ready “to participate in further works on rationalizing the provisions of the act”

Earlier in the evening of that day, the Jarosław Gowin Agreement issued a statement in which it expressed its readiness to participate in further works on rationalizing the provisions of the Animal Protection Act. It assured that it strongly supports activities aimed at improving the fate of farm animals in Poland.

Crisis in the United Right

Meeting of PiS politicians in the party’s office in KrakówTVN24
video 2/29


The statement posted on Twitter reads:

“The agreement of Jarosław Gowin strongly supports the actions aimed at improving the fate of farm animals in Poland. Regardless of the noble intentions of the applicants, the act included provisions that were too far-reaching, contrary to the principle of economic freedom and did not ensure sufficient protection of the interests of Polish farmers and the state treasury. support this act in the wording proposed by the applicants. In our opinion, it is unacceptable to apply too short vacatio legis, which will lead to the bankruptcy of hundreds of Polish family businesses in the agricultural sector. It is all the more unacceptable in the time of the economic crisis caused by the COV1D-19 pandemic. The act does not sufficiently protect the interests of the state treasury, as it exposes Polish taxpayers to the burden of payment. Jarosław Gowin’s agreement expresses readiness to participate in further works on rationalizing the provisions of the act. “

Agreement StatementTwitter / @ Agreement__

photo-source">Main photo source: Art Service/PAP

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