Home » today » World » Crisis in the UES – Diario La Página – 2024-03-13 14:32:13

Crisis in the UES – Diario La Página – 2024-03-13 14:32:13

The authorities of the University of El Salvador (UES) have conceived the refrain of speaking of “institutional crisis.” They strive to convince us that they lack a budget and that they are on the verge of bankruptcy. But they don’t understand that The crisis is the result of having turned our backs on the people, with this repeated and eager behavior to obstruct progress, with its capricious decisions marked by rigging in institutional management and a vocation for backwardness.

The decision to remain behind is the real and unwritten policy of institutional management in crisis. This collective decision is reinforced by the dysfunctionality of performance evaluation, an inoperative career ladder, rigging in hiring and job promotions, opposition to updating university regulations, distribution of unjustified bonuses, abuse of power, and the lack of a system mandatory and permanent training of personnel.

The budget is the favorite excuse to question the governments in power and justify the institutional backwardness for decades. It seems that the crisis marked by institutional backwardness is the result of what they usually call “budget strangulation”, but in reality it is only an excuse to hide the causes of institutional decay, because no matter how many budget increases have been granted to the UES Since the peace agreements, it has not served to update the teaching staff, comply with the obligation to update university regulations, apply the standards of adequate document management, and there are still study plans from the last century.

The crisis suffered by the UES is driven by the leadership of the university authorities. This leadership that despises meritocracy, favors non-compliance with employees’ obligations, distributes job promotions based on political clientelism, obstructs generational change, neglects the well-being of students by creating conditions for harassment and various violations of their rights; Thus, it is natural that no matter how much the university authorities insist with misleading speeches from the media, hoping for support, the university community distrusts their allegations about the budget and the people ignore their regrets and complaints.

The UES crisis is summarized in the dysfunctional university government that is based on an obsolete organic law. This is formed from an archipelago of various interest groups, which ignore the demands of the people. These petty groups, through shady elections, take institutional power, and then accommodate their cronies in leadership positions, even if they lack merit. After the distribution of the leadership, disagreements arise and they fight like dogs over bones, thus they become a laughing stock, since it has happened that between deans and vice-deans they spend their time fighting until they finish their miserable management, converting the university government bodies in true conclaves of unproductivity.

The government’s decision to limit fund transfers to the UES was an issue that resonated during the election campaign. But citizens ended up voting in favor of the presidential re-election and thus legitimizing the government’s decisions. It is not that the people are not interested in education or that the more than 60 thousand students and workers of the UES are enemies of their university, but that the people have understood that the institutional crisis of the UES has other causes, and that the authorities university students are the real people responsible for the problem, whom it is prudent to distrust and take control measures.

#Crisis #UES #Diario #Página

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