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[Crisi dell’ictus]American study: blood type affects early stroke rates

US research indicates that blood type affects early stroke rates. Among them, the stroke rate of people with blood group A is 16% higher than that of other blood groups.

Ischemic stroke (acute stroke) refers to the stenosis or occlusion of blood vessels due to hardening of the blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. However, in recent years, there is a trend of younger stroke cases, ie “early onset stroke”, which occurs in young people under the age of 60. Hypertension and family inheritance are the most common causes. common of stroke and recently in the United StatesUniversity of Maryland School of MedicineStudies have shown that the original “blood group” also affects the risk of stroke.

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Researchin medical journals“Neurology”Published, noting that the chromosomal genes of people with early-onset stroke are closely related to blood type. Scientists collected a total of 48 studies from around the world, followed 17,000 stroke patients and nearly 600,000 healthy people who have never had a stroke. Around 35% of the participants were of non-European descent. Among them, people with blood type A have the highest risk of early-onset strokes, with a 16% greater chance of multiple strokes than people with other blood groups. In contrast, people with blood type O, the more common type, are less at risk, with a 12% lower stroke rate than other blood groups.

or influenced by blood clotting factors

Steven J. Kittner, professor of neurology, speculates that the findings may be related to blood clotting factors in different blood groups, because in the past it has been found that people with blood type A also have an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities.

Additionally, researcher Braxton D. Mitchell found that the association between blood type and advanced stroke was weak and pointed out that even though blood type affects stroke risk, the increased risk is very small, so people with blood group A need not worry too much about early onset stroke. .

Research is still needed to prove prevention of younger patients

The team said the study suggests that blood type may play an important role in early stroke, and more research is still needed to prove whether there is a direct relationship between blood type and stroke and to further explore stroke prevention in order to to reduce younger stroke patients Decades and a long way to recovery.

Gayon on the Same Scene: Dismantling Symptoms and Stroke Prevention

Dr. Sheng Bin, a member of the Hong Kong Brain Science Association, once said that the symptoms of a small stroke usually fully recover within 24 hours and soon disappear within 1 hour of the onset of the disease. Due to the short duration of the symptoms, there is a possibility that the symptoms will be ignored by the patient. Citizens can judge signs of stroke with the four-character “FAST” formula:

The British Broadcasting Corporation’s BBC cited a report released by the British Nutrition Foundation, which pointed out that regardless of age, if you can make 5 types of diet changes, it can help protect your heart and prevent the threat of heart disease. and stroke. to include:

  • Eat fewer foods high in saturated fat
  • use less salt
  • Eat high-fiber foods
  • Increase vitamins and minerals
  • maintaining a healthy weight

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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