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Criminologist Says There Are Allegations of Premeditated Murder in the Case of Mother and Child in Subang: Is There an X Factor?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – It’s been 17 days since Tuti Suhartini (55) and Amalia Mustika Ratu (24) were found horribly dead in the trunk of Alphard’s car, Wednesday (18/8/2021) morning, at their residence in Jalan Cagak Village, Jalan Cagak District, Regency Subang, West Java.

However, the police have yet to reveal who the perpetrators of this mother and child murder are.

In this regard, the Criminologist at the University of Padjadjaran (Unpad), Yesmil Anwar, said that there is an X factor that needs to be investigated and considered, in addition to witness statements and the findings of alleged evidence at the crime scene (TKP).

The X factor, said Yesmil, may be related to the witness’s testimony and the condition of the victim during his life.

“Actually I’m also a bit questioning, because some time ago, the police loudly stated that this was a pure crime, but how come it took so long to reveal the case.”

The condition of the house where the two women’s bodies were found in Ciseuti Hamlet, Jalan Cagak Village, Jalan Cagak District, Subang Regency has been lined with police, Wednesday (18/8/2021). (Tribun Jabar/ Dwiky Maulana Vellatati)

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“So we also wonder if there is an x-factor or obstacles that can interfere with the investigation in the field,” he said, Friday (3/9/2021), quoted from TribunJabar.

Furthermore, Yesmil suspects that the case of Tuti and Amalia is a type of premeditated murder which has been carefully planned and involves many actors.

According to him, it could happen, especially in every crime case it is possible to have a main actor and intellectual actor who executes it.

Therefore, according to him, what needs to be investigated is the potential motive for the murder.

In every case, explained Yesmil, there are always three main accompanying motives, namely the motive for social relations, such as romance and the past, the motive for power, and the motive for wealth.

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