The police have drawn up a criminal case for the crimes of destruction or false signaling, manslaughter and culpable bodily harm, following the railway accident yesterday evening in Galați, resulting in the death of a woman and the injury of three men. Research is being continued to establish the circumstances in which the tragic railway event took place, which took place at the station in the locality.
Following the preliminary checks carried out by the police, it was established that the clock needle of the locomotive’s speedometer remained stuck at the 75 km/h position, and from the driver’s statement it appears that the locomotive accelerated suddenly and that he tried to activate the braking system, but it no longer worked .
The Galati County Police Inspectorate came up with details related to the accident.
“On March 25, 2023, at 7:19 p.m., a double-decker passenger car, which was parked on line no. 4 from the Galati CF Station while waiting for the formation of the train set for the Galati – Mărăşeşti route, was hit head-on by the locomotive that was going to pull the set, driven by the service engineer, a 49-year-old man from the municipality of Tecuci. The result was the deformation of the wagon in the impact area and its displacement by about 80 meters. At the time of the event, the train was in the passenger car, consisting of the train conductor, a 53-year-old woman, the train conductor, a 47-year-old man, as well as a passenger, a man, aged 53 from Piscu commune”states IPJ Galati, according to Agerpres.
As a result of the collision, both the locomotive driver and the three people in the wagon suffered injuries, the passenger remained incarcerated, and the woman went into cardio-respiratory arrest.
After the intervention of the extrication teams from ISU Galati and the provision of first aid, all four victims were transported by the SMURD crews to the UPU within the “St. Apostle Andrew” Galati. Due to the injuries, the woman died.
The other three people remained hospitalized, with various injuries, being in a stable condition. The mechanic and the train conductor were tested with the Drager breathalyzer, the results were negative.
Representatives of ITM, AGIFER, Regional Auditor SC and SRTFC Galaţi showed up on the spot to carry out checks.
Sorin Grindeanu calls for an investigation and quick measures
The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Sorin Grindeanu, requests checks and quick measures on the part of CFR Călători, following the accident that occurred on Saturday evening in Galati Station.
“In times of great trial, no words can ease the loss of a loved one, the suffering and the pain. Following the railway accident in Galati in which the conductor of train R7576 lost his life, I send my sincere condolences to the grieving family.