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Criminal Love stories of feminicide the case of Thursday 30 November

Cecilia killed by her partner is the story told by Emma D’Aquino tonight on TV

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The appointment continues with Criminal Love, the Rai 3 program that tells of tragic cases of feminicide, women killed by violent men, husbands, lovers, boyfriends. A topic that is always very current and which we must never divert attention from. Recent news cases have shown us how almost every day a woman is killed, harassed or bothered. The program is carried out in collaboration with the Carabinieri, the State Police and with the patronage of the Minister for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities.

previews of the third episode of Amore Criminale

The third episode of Criminal Love hosted by Emma D’Aquino, broadcast on Thursday 30 November 2023 on Rai 3 and streaming on RaiPlay, it tells the story of Cecilia Hazana, a 34-year-old woman killed by her partner who had tried to leave but who had tormented her. Cecilia is pre-uvian but she moved to Italy as a girl. In Regio Emilia she lives with her son, she has a difficult economic situation and an unstable job. One day Mirko shows up at her door as her representative. The two like each other and start dating. Within a few months he moved to live in his house and is always very loving with the child.

However, Mirko is often aggressive and this pushes Cecilia to end the relationship. But he doesn’t give up on her, he stalks her, he asks her to get back together, he even threatens to take her life if he doesn’t take him back. Cecilia’s neighbors discover that she is sleeping in the cellar, they see him in the gallery, it was a real persecution. Until the 27 year old kills Cecilia in 2021 after raping her. The prosecutor’s office had asked for a life sentence, the man was also sentenced to 30 years on appeal, with the recognition of general extenuating circumstances due to the confession and the death of his mother, who was also killed by her ex-partner.


In the late evening, at 11.30pm, on Rai 3 new appointment with Survivors, the stories of women who managed to escape the clutches of violent men. In the November 30th episode there will be two stories related to harassment in the workplace. Firstly, the story of Elena, a volunteer for an association who in 2019 when she was only nineteen, was harassed during working hours. She manages to escape and after talking about it with her mother, she reports the man. The second story is that of Giulia who denounced harassment in the advertising world and communication agencies where he worked as a copywriter. After her, many other girls came forward to describe similar scenarios.

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