Home » today » News » Crimes against minors in Italy: almost 7,000 in 2023, 19 per day, +34% in ten years, with a sharp increase in abuse that occurs within the family

Crimes against minors in Italy: almost 7,000 in 2023, 19 per day, +34% in ten years, with a sharp increase in abuse that occurs within the family

ROMA – There were 6,952 crimes against minors in Italy in 2023, on average 19 per day, 95 more than in 2022. Increased by 34% in 10 years and by as much as 89% since 2006. The most widespread crimes, which the highest increase is also recorded in family abuse: 2,843 cases, which have grown by 6% since 2022 and more than doubled since 2013.

The results of the study. The data, processed by the Criminal Analysis Service of the Central Criminal Police Directorate, were released by Fondazione Terre des Hommes at the Chamber of Deputies – in the presence of the President of the Chamber the Hon. Lorenzo Fontana and the Deputy Commissioner of the State Police Eugenia Sepe – on the occasion of the presentation of the Defenseless fileThe condition of girls and young women in the world 2024 and ahead of International Day of the Girl Child (11 October).

What emerges from the dossier. The Dossier shows that it is precisely girls and young women who are most affected by crimes against minors, in 61% of cases they are the victims. This percentage is mainly driven by sexual crimes: starting from sexual violence and aggravated sexual violence, which respectively see 89% and 85% of female victims, passing through sexual acts with minors (79% of victims are female ), possession of pornographic material and corruption of minors (both with 78% female victims), up to prostitution and child pornography (in both the victims are 64% girls).

The percentages, crime by crime. However, voluntary homicide (67%), the abandonment of minors or incompetent people (61%), the abuse of means of corruption or discipline (59%) and the abduction of incapable people (55%) have mostly male victims. %). Victims are almost equal in crimes of violation of family care obligations (both genders at 50%) and mistreatment in the family or towards children (female victims 51%).

Sexual violence is also on the rise. If family abuse marks the most significant increase, sexual violence is also on the rise compared to 2022, which with 912 cases (+1% from 2022 but +51% from 2013) is the second most widespread crime; the abduction of incapable people (302 cases, +4% from 2022 and +39% from 2013); the abandonment of minors or incapable people (568 cases, +3% from 2022 and +25% in 10 years); sexual acts with minors (+3% from 2022 and +5% from 2013, with a total of 444 cases); the abuse of means of correction or discipline (+1% with 349 cases; +47% since 2013); child pornography (171 cases, increased by 1% from 2022 but decreased by 7% from 2013).

Child prostitution is decreasing. On the other hand, the following are decreasing: child prostitution, which with 28 cases is the crime that marks the greatest decline both over the year (-24%) and compared to the last 10 (-65%); the possession of child pornography (59 cases, down 18% on 2022 but up, again by 18%, compared to 2013); corruption of minors (94 cases, -12% in one year and -24% since 2013); violations of family care obligations (525 cases, -5% from 2022 and -48% from 2013). Finally, cases of aggravated sexual violence have decreased compared to last year (645 cases, -7%), a crime which however records one of the highest increases in ten years (+73% since 2013).

Voluntary homicides remain unchanged. However, voluntary homicides remain unchanged with 12 cases in both 2023 and 2013. «The data demonstrate an increase in reports from victims. This means that the actions undertaken by the Police Forces in terms of information campaigns, aimed at dismantling the socio-cultural obstacles that have fueled and still fuel violence and abuse against minors, are producing results that confirm the relationship of trust established with the victims. A result, however, that does not distract our gaze from the “dark number” of unreported cases and from all those crimes that take place in the “virtual world” where minors are increasingly exposed and defenseless”, declared Dr. ssa Eugenia Sepe, deputy commissioner of the State Police.

Two elements of reflection. «Two factors, which must make us reflect, emerge from the latest data on crimes against minors – declared Paolo Ferrara, general director of Land of Men – First of all, the image of the family as a safe and welcoming place, as a nest in which children can grow up to learn to take flight, shows more than one crack and calls into question all our efforts so that parents do not have to face loneliness, a fragility that appears more and more evident. Secondly, violence, especially physical violence, continues to take place mostly on the bodies of girls and young women and this, we will never tire of saying it, forces all of us not to let go of a cultural battle, to overcome the structure patriarchal and create a more inclusive society based on respect for others, which is still far from producing the desired changes.»

Mental health. Dal Defenseless file “The condition of girls in the world”, which includes and analyzes all the phenomena that put the lives, health and rights of girls at risk, in Italy and in the world, an increase also emerges in the last years of psychological distress of boys, and especially girls, in Italy. According to the Istituto Superiore della Sanità, 52% of girls believe that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their mental health, a figure that drops to 31% among male peers. This discomfort increases with age: among eleven-year-olds it was experienced by 33% of girls and 25% of boys, while among seventeen-year-old teenagers it was experienced by 66% of girls and 41% of boys.

The trend is also confirmed worldwide. This is stated by the World Health Organization, which finds a worsening in the well-being of young people in general and of girls in particular. 28% of fifteen-year-olds report profound loneliness, compared to 13% of their male peers.

The investigation into a widespread malaise. Land of Mentogether with Zoo Schooltried to investigate this malaise through Osservatorio indifesa, in which over 2,000 girls between 14 and 26 years old participated. First of all, it emerges that almost all, 9 out of 10 girls, perceive strong risks to their mental health. Among the causes that compromise the psychological well-being of girls, first of all, for 76%, is the difficulty of accepting themselves and feeling good about their body.

Difficult relationships with parents. We then find difficult relationships with parents or family (indicated by 73% of the responses) and school performance (66%). More than 50% of girls also see worries about their future, complicated relationships with friends or peers, loneliness, depression and violence of all kinds as risks. Other reasons for concern are an unstable relationship (43%), relationships with teachers (28%), fear of the global situation (25%) and Eco-anxiety (17%).

The 13 years of the Indifesa Campaign. Intervention is, therefore, fundamental and it is the girls who lead the way: 75% ask for the school to deal more with mental health and 66.5% would like a free psychologist outside the school. Defenseless for girls and young women for 13 years. There Defenseless countryside of Terre des Hommesborn in 2012 on the occasion of the first World Day of Girls, aims to raise awareness among institutions and public opinion on the serious violations of the rights of girls and boys that occur every day in the world and on the importance of ensuring their protection and support.

The 372,000 girls helped. Over the years, the Foundation has worked to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of girls through its projects. In 2023, 372,000 girls and boys were direct beneficiaries of the projects Land of Men for quality inclusive education, the prevention of early marriages and pregnancies, the fight against labor exploitation, the protection of refugee girls and boys and girls who are victims of abuse and violence in various countries around the world.

Terre Des Hommes’ work in schools. In Italy Land of Men collaborates with schools, sports federations and institutions to involve girls and boys in training and awareness-raising activities aimed at encouraging youth participation and the protagonism of the young generations on the issues of combating discrimination and gender violence.

The scientific committee. For the 13th edition, the Dossier was able to count on the precious contribution of a Scientific Committee made up of 13 women, excellent and successful professionals in their field of work such as: Angela Laurenza, Prime Minister President; Benedetta Geronzi, Head of the Institutional Area of ​​the Italian Football Federation; Claudia Segre, President of Global Thinking Foundation; Donata Columbro, Journalist and data humanizer; Filomena Floriana Ferrara, Director of the IBM Foundation; Gaia Marzo, Corporate Brand Director & Equity Partner OneDay Group; Ilaria Cinelli, Space and Healthcare Expert; Livia Del Turco, Director of the Civil Defense Study Center and member of the “Women, Peace and Security” group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Lucia Abbinante, Youth Policy Expert – Vice President of Kreact; Mariangela Pira, anchor and reporter; Martina Rogato, Founder ESG Boutique; Miriam Cresta, CEO Junior Achievement Italia; Renata Duretti, The Circle Italia Onlus;

Co-Chair W7 Italy (G7); Silvia Salis, vice president of CONI.

They supported indifesa: A2A, Avon, Benefit Cosmetics, BIC®, BIC® Foundation, Canon, Cotril, Deloitte, Douglas, AEM Foundation, Bracco Foundation, Deloitte Foundation, EOS Foundation – Edison Orizzonte Sociale ETS, Zanetti Foundation, OneDay Group; Rai for ESG Sustainability, RGI Group, Tangoo, Urban Vision.

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