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Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever: A New Health Threat to Italy and Europe

A new threat to health could appear towards Italy: it is the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fevera pathology carried by a dangerous virus coming from Africa. The disease has a mortality of 5% and the virus responsible for the infection is spreading in several countries, including the Spainand may soon reach the Kingdom United. Without giving in to easy alarmism, let’s go deeper into the matter by explaining how the virus is transmitted, what are the symptoms and how to do it prevention.

The health alarm

The health alert related to Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever has been issued by Public Health UK. This notice warns against the dangerous virus originating from Africa which may pose the greatest current threat to public health.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, also known as CCHFcan be lethal in 5% of cases. In the last few days they have been reported cases of infection e deaths caused by Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in several countries.

Ticks are considered the main vehicle of transmission of the haemorrhagic fever virus

Deaths in various countries

After the deadly events in Iraq e Namibiathe virus has caused two deaths in Pakistan and several cases of contagion in Spain.

Second James Woodhead of Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge University, the CCHF virus may have entered the UK through ticks some animals. In fact, these creatures are considered the primary vehicle used by the Nairoviruswhich is responsible for the spread of this disease.

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How it is transmitted

At least they exist new ones stumps genetically distinct from this virus. The ticks of the genus Hyalomma are the main vectors infesting both mammals and wild birds, including livestock.

The transmission of the virus can occur through the bite of ticks or the contact with organic fluids animals, such as when handling or slaughtering infected livestock.

It has also been documented contagion between people, especially in a hospital setting and sexually. Furthermore, transmission via is possible aerosol.

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CCHF can cause symptoms such as fever altamalaise, defects of coagulation and permeability of blood vessels. In the phase hemorrhagicwhich can last two to three daysbleeding, petechiae, ecchymosis, epistaxis, melena, hematemesis, hematuria, and bleeding from injection sites may occur.

Illness can lead to complications serious such as disseminated intravascular coagulation, renal, hepatic, pulmonary failure and shock, with a mortality ranging from 3% to 40%.

How to cure

Currently they do not exist vaccines o therapy specifications for the CCHF. The use of the antiviral ribavirin is recommended, but there is insufficient scientific evidence on its effectiveness.

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The prevention it is essential to counter the spread of the virus. It’s important to educate people about wearing clothes protective in areas at risk of the presence of ticks and to recognize the symptoms early.

Furthermore, the workers of the slaughterhouses must use protective clothing to limit contact with fluids from potentially infected animals.

The risks in Italy

L’Italia represents one of the European countries at the highest risk of introduction and spread of the virus, followed by France.

It is essential to raise awareness of this type of virus, to prevent cases from occurring in our country as happened with other pathologies, such as Dengue fever, as for a patient in Arezzo, or the so-called West Nile fever, transmitted by mosquitoes .

Photo source: ANSA
2023-07-13 17:44:00
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