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Crimea, Political Violence | Stop violence against the police

Unfortunately, we see that these extreme forces have support in political circles on the left. It’s almost impossible to believe.

By Sylvi Listhaug, Storting politician and 1st Deputy Leader of FrP.

This summer, youth mobsters in several Norwegian cities attacked the police for doing their job.

The police’s task has been to safeguard one of the most important Norwegian and Western values, freedom of expression, which is enshrined in the constitution.

It started in Trondheim when young people attacked the police with stones. Police had to lock themselves inside the cars, awaiting reinforcements.

Also read: Listhaug about the Sian demonstration: – Swedish conditions

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In the district of Alna in Oslo, angry young people and counter-protesters also attacked the police when they were doing their job. It is interesting that Shakeel Rehman in Agenda magazine believes that “anti-racists exploited angry Muslim youth” to attack the police.

The last example we got from Bergen where people who carried out a legal demonstration were transported bleeding from the event. The reason was that he had insulted the Prophet Muhammad.

Here, too, the police were attacked and afterwards the police had to put in 40 police officers as shields around the police station.

RESISTANCE: SIAN demonstrated at Furuset center in Oslo on 15 August. They were met by counter-protesters who increased their deafness.
Photo: Fredrik Hagen (NTB scanpix)

Police believe the attack was well coordinated. Stones, tomatoes and other objects have been thrown.

Attacks on the police and undermining the authority of the police are dangerous tendencies that are an important ingredient in Swedish conditions.

This is what characterizes the everyday work of the police in several Swedish cities such as Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. We are well on our way to Norway as well. We are seeing a disturbing trend in several cities.

Also read: Sian to the police during the attack: – Shoot them for hell, then teach them!

Unfortunately, we see that these extreme forces, which are a danger to the maintenance of law and order, also have support in political circles on the left, including the Labor Party’s leader in Bergen Geir Steinar Dale. It’s almost impossible to believe.

It is not a day too early that the police are now reporting! Morten Ørn from the West police district says: “Our authority is at a minimum now. We have politicians who legitimize aggression against the police. They put us in a difficult position .. ».

I wonder if Jonas Gahr Støre supports the leader in Bergen? Where are Lysbakken and the never-resting Moxnes? Where are the Prime Minister and the governing parties? They use to be very eager in other matters.

Attacks on the police are attacks on Norwegian values, and are totally unacceptable. In Norway, we have respect for the work of the police.

Also read: Heavy clashes during Sian demonstration in Bergen

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Their task is to ensure that law and order is observed, and to stop attacks on our fundamental values. Attacks on people who express their opinions, we must all stand up to.

Let it be clear; In Norway, it is allowed to criticize Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and all other religions. It is the task of the police to stop those who try to gag freedom of expression.

The acid test of whether you stand up for freedom of speech is whether you also stand up for the opinions you really do not like. Then one should not have an understanding that utterance is met with violence.

We must not accept that Swedish conditions gain a foothold in Norway. Then the police must receive recognition for the job and support, not unjustified criticism for doing their job.

The post was first published on Listhaug’s own Facebook profile.

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