Home » today » News » Crime – Freiburg im Breisgau – penalty order against police officer for threats – Panorama

Crime – Freiburg im Breisgau – penalty order against police officer for threats – Panorama

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – After investigations into a possibly racially motivated attack, a Freiburg police officer received a penalty order for threats. The penalty order for 3,600 euros had been served on the official, said a spokesman for the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office on Thursday. The police officer is said to have threatened a 37-year-old during an argument. Several media had previously reported.

The 46-year-old could appeal against this, said the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. In this case, there will be a trial in the District Court. According to a report in the “Badische Zeitung”, such an objection was made. A spokesman for the Freiburg District Court was initially unable to provide any information on Thursday.

In the incident in June 2021, the police officer is said to have been traveling privately with a group from which the saying “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out” fell out. A spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office said that it was not possible to determine whether the official said that, nor could it be refuted that the sentence was a statement about a past incident. The accusation of hate speech was therefore dropped.

After the sentence, a dispute broke out between the group of seven around the police officer and a 37-year-old Latvian, who referred to the words. During the argument, the police officer is said to have threatened the 37-year-old. A spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office did not want to say what. The authority obtained penal orders for threats, attempted bodily harm and insults against several other participants.

After the incident, the Freiburg police announced official measures against the officer if the allegations were true: “Corresponding behavior has no place at the police headquarters in Freiburg and is deeply contrary to our understanding of values.” The 46-year-old is currently still on duty, a police spokeswoman said on Thursday. “We have to wait for the full criminal proceedings first.”

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