Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – A 40-year-old from Freiburg has been fined for assaulting people with pepper spray in the street. A district court spokesman said Tuesday evening, without mentioning the total of 120 daily rates.
The case caused a local outcry as the accused stood as a candidate for the AfD in the local council elections in 2019. After the verdict was announced, around 50-60 people demonstrated in the city center to show solidarity with the victims. As reported by a police spokesman, there were no particular incidents.
The dangerous bodily harm trial had lasted two months. The defendant was accused of using pepper spray in a fight with two young men in June last year. Then there was an altercation with two eyewitnesses. A woman said in court that he got pepper spray right in her eyes. As the court spokesman said, a possible lesser criminal liability of the defendant was taken into account in the verdict.
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