Home » today » News » Crime – Freiburg im Breisgau – Attempted manslaughter because of Vogels? Trial against man – Panorama

Crime – Freiburg im Breisgau – Attempted manslaughter because of Vogels? Trial against man – Panorama

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – Because he is said to have attacked and seriously injured his 91-year-old neighbor because of a dead bird, a man has to answer to the Freiburg district court today. After the alleged attack with the broken handle of a hammer, the victim is blind in one eye. The public prosecutor accuses the 56-year-old, among other things, of attempted manslaughter in combination with dangerous and serious bodily harm. Because the man is said to be mentally ill and is said to have been incapacitated at the time of the crime, the so-called security procedure is about accommodation in a specialist clinic.

According to prosecutors, the men got into a fight on New Year’s Day because of a dead bird in the hallway. Due to illness, the 56-year-old decided to kill the neighbor. He hit the 91-year-old’s head with a hammer and later tried to injure the man with the broken stem in the eye. When witnesses got involved, the attacker went to his apartment in Waldkirch (Emmendingen district) until the police arrived.

Even before that, in December, the man is said to have threatened a walker with Nordic walking sticks and pushed her into a bed on the side of the road. He also hit a car with his sticks, among other things. For the trial before the circuit court, the court has scheduled five more hearing dates until May 18th.

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