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Crime – Berlin – Clan member stabbed in gym – Panorama

Berlin (dpa / bb) – A member of a well-known Arab-born clan is said to have been stabbed and seriously injured in a Berlin gym. The police spoke of a 24-year-old man who was suddenly attacked by another man and stabbed in the upper body at around 2.10 a.m. in the gym on Prenzlauer Allee in the south of the district on Wednesday night.

The perpetrator fled. He is wanted. He should be known to the police, reported the “Tagesspiegel”. There are video cameras in most fitness studios, the recordings of which could be evaluated by the police. The visitors to the fitness studios also have membership cards with their personal details. The seriously injured victim was taken to a hospital. There the man should be guarded by police officers.

Investigations are carried out by the responsible local criminal police and not by a murder commission in the State Criminal Police Office (LKA). This shows that the police initially do not assume an attempted homicide and do not necessarily see the background to the crime in the clan milieu.

According to the newspaper “BZ”, the injured person is said to be a man who was tried in 2019 on charges of murder and was acquitted. He comes from the well-known R. clan. Among other things, members were convicted of the sensational theft of the gold coin from a museum, an attack on a money transporter and clashes with other gangs, others are currently on trial in Dresden for the multi-million dollar theft of jewels from the Green Vault Museum.

The police union (GdP) said: “The incident does not surprise us because we are talking about young men who express a large portion of testosterone in conflicts and competitive situations and who like to resolve this by using weapons At least we can’t think of any fitness exercise that requires you to have a knife with you.”

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