On Tuesday, May 25th, Ralf Steinhorst will read the book “It is not haunted under the bed” by Guido van Genechten.
It is haunted! Oskar is quite sure of that. But where has the ghost been hiding? Under the bed? Behind the curtain? Or in the closet? It goes without saying that Oskar cannot fall asleep like this. First of all, dad has to look for this ghost
On Thursday, May 27th, Conny Davis will read the story “I have a light and I am not afraid” by Brigitte Weninger.
Little bear wants to go home all alone from his grandfather’s house today. Fearlessly he makes his way through the dark forest. “Crunch, crunch, crunch,” it suddenly sounds. Who will the bear meet?
You can follow the creepy stories on the Ahlen City Library’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/153576169270300/