Since the start of the school year, thanks to the arrival of a new auctioneer, the list of objects accepted as collateral by the Crédit municipal de Nancy has expanded. extended to everyday objects. The public institution seeks to adapt to new consumption patterns, and help the most precarious in a context of inflation, particularly students.
Municipal credits are municipal public establishments, the only ones authorized to offer pawn loans. The principle : against the deposit of a valuable item, a loan is immediately granted. The property can then be recovered at any time against reimbursement of the amount, or put up for sale.
More flexible than a bank, this simple and quick solution helps you cope with a cash flow need, a hard blow or an unforeseen event. Since January, more than 2,400 loans have been granted by Crédit municipal de Nancy, amounting to 2,300,000 euros. These are most often small amounts, the average loan is 1,000 euros.
A little-known boost solution
“It’s not bad because not everyone is lucky enough to have a gold necklace.”estimates a lady who came to drop off a valuable piece of jewelry to launch her photo studio project with her husband. “Most students don’t necessarily have jewelry, but they have other items that they can part with for a while, like a second computer or a second phone.”explains Michel Côme, director of Crédit municipal de Nancy.
“The idea is tohelping people in difficulty, in a difficult context. It is an ongoing research by the institution. Broadening the spectrum is part of this desire”, says Maître Antoine Audhuy, the new auctioneer. Since its creation in 1834, Crédit municipal has maintained its social vocation. Crédit municipal therefore wishes to raise awareness of this solution, which is still very little known to the general public and students.
Online expertise
The institution carries out free, no-obligation assessments. To avoid travel, Crédit municipal offers an initial estimate online. All you need to do is send photos and a precise description of the item. The object can then be dropped off by appointment during the hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The items put up for sale are presented during sales organized every two months. They attract an audience of professionals and regulars looking for good deals. The next one will be held on Friday December 8, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Nancy auction room. A solidarity sale for the benefit of various local associations is also expected on April 13, in the town hall rooms.
#Crédit #municipal #Nancy #extends #pawnbroking #France #Bleu