Credit and sensitive sectors | Intesa Sanpaolo
The policies are fundamental documents in the sustainability path that Intesa Sanpaolo has decided to undertake. Starting from the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics, they establish the rules necessary to guarantee transparency and professionalism in the relationship with our Stakeholders and identify the functions responsible for the various activities.
Guidelines for the governance of the Group’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks
A specific regulation is in force for the governance of the Group’s ESG risks and defines the general criteria regarding the management of ESG risks in the main areas of activity.
Rules for credit operations in the Oil & Gas sector
The document provides precise exclusions and limitations to the Group’s operations in the Oil & Gas sector
Rules for credit operations in the coal sector
The document defines, for the Group, limitations and exclusion criteria in reference to credit operations in the coal sector, in implementation of the “Guidelines for the Governance of Social Environmental Risks and Governance in the Matter of Credit Operations” and consistently with the addresses contained therein.
Guidelines regarding operations with subjects active in the armaments sector
The Guidelines define the provisions that the Intesa Sanpaolo Group intends to adopt in banking and/or financing activities with entities operating in the military materials sector.
Policy on financing political parties
The rule applies to all the Group’s foreign subsidiaries and aligns the methods of managing the relationship and granting financing for political parties and the entities (natural/legal persons) connected to them with the regulations in force in the Parent Company. It reiterates the prohibition on donations through charitable initiatives and sponsorships, as established by the Group’s administrative responsibility management model pursuant to Legislative Decree. 231/2001.
Last update date November 28, 2024 at 10:02:17 pm