Schwerin (dpa / mv) – The Volks- and Raiffeisenbanken in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have significantly expanded their lending business in the past year. Savings deposits also grew. The volume of private loans rose by more than 8 percent to around 880 million euros, while that of commercial loans rose by just under 4.6 percent to 1.68 billion euros, as the VR banks announced on Friday. The most important driver in the commercial lending business in 2020 was the service sector, followed by agriculture and forestry.
The savings deposits have also grown, because in the past year there was simply a lack of consumption opportunities, it said. Above all, the current and call money accounts recorded high growth. By the end of the year, the sum of daily deposits had risen by more than 14 percent to 3.48 billion euros.
Despite the growing trend towards online banking, the VR banks say they do not want to thin out their branch network in MV. There are 84 branches available across the country. According to surveys, personal advice is still important to many customers. According to the information, the operating result of the VR banks remained stable at 49 million euros last year.
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