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Creator of the Moderna vaccine reveals an optimistic outlook against the Omicron variant

Dr. Rolando Pajón (PhD), Scientific and Medical Director of Moderna Pharmaceuticals for Latin America, was in Guatemala for the first time, on an approach visit, to publicize the progress made in vaccination issues and the future of vaccines for the fight against Covid-19.

One of the main issues that the scientist addressed is related to the new generation of vaccines, highlighting that the Latin American region is not indifferent to the rest of the world when it comes to the Omicron variant. In relation to this specific variant, Moderna is working on the development of vaccines and it is expected to have an improved booster dose containing 25 micrograms of the original virus sequence and 25 micrograms of the Omicron sequence later this year.

Preliminary results are optimistic and it is considered that this vaccine will be capable of inducing a very high immune response against Omicron and its derivatives. If approved, the bivalent vaccine could provide an immune response capable of lasting long enough to become a single annual dose.

Regarding vaccination rates, the Cuban doctor points out: “We have a lot to do in the field of dialogue, communication and implementation to increase access to the vaccine to groups that need it and be part of the solution. We cannot give up because there are opinions contrary to ours or because there is misinformation about it.” Likewise, Dr. Pajón indicates that the world is not yet able to lower its guard and relax in the face of the main preventive measures to avoid the transmission of Covid-19: constant use of masks and washing hands.

Additionally, the scientist notes that solutions must be provided and what is necessary must be done to increase current vaccination rates, as well as to achieve accessibility to the doses that are needed. “Beyond this, our role is to support the government and health institutions through our local partner Asofarma, to provide the vaccine and facilitate the mechanisms for their acquisition.”

pediatric vaccine

Regarding vaccination in children against Covid-19, Dr. Pajón comments that data have already been submitted to the FDA -Federal Agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services- on the age group of 6 months to 6 years, which will be reviewed on June 15.

According to Moderna’s medical director for Latin America, the data is extremely effective and seeks to induce an equivalent immune response in young children with only two doses similar to a quarter of the adult dose, while other vaccine developers for this group of age, three doses are considered, Moderna will achieve the desired response with only two doses.

Currently, the scientific team of the Moderna pharmaceutical company concentrates its work on the new generations of updated vaccines against COVID, one of its main objectives being to be able to count on a combined vaccine that can protect, with a single annual puncture, in a short time. , both against COVID and Influenza, simultaneously.

According to data collected throughout history, there are records that prove that in places where there is a continuous educational effort, the percentages of vaccination are higher and therefore, the results of effectiveness are increased compared to populations that have Little or limited access to information and access to prevention mechanisms.

Font. Asofarma and Modern

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