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Creator of MediEvil series puts collection up for sale to stay afloat


Developer Jason Wilson (better known as Jay Gunn), one of the creators of the MediEvil series, is in dire financial straits and has decided to put his collection of drawings and projects related to the series up for sale to try and stay afloat while he looks for a new job.

Wilson spoke about his situation on Twitterannouncing that he has put up for sale his entire collection of MediEvil drawings and design documents made during his time as lead designer, art director and writer of the series.

The collection includes hundreds of drawings, notebooks full of notes and blueprints, level design directions, and more. According to Wilson, this is the most complete archive of development, from the pitch to all stages of development.

Why can’t he find a job? According to him, because recruiters are confused about the numerous roles he has held in the video game industry. Whatever it was, asking for help in this way was really embarrassing for him, but he couldn’t help himself given the situation he was in.

After a lukewarm response to his post, Wilson revealed an even more dramatic truth by posting new information on LinkedIn. Mostly working with Sony, in between breakdowns and impossible deadlines, led him to burn out. In addition, he was forced to take a year off due to a stage 3B cancer diagnosis, with doctors giving him five years to live. However, it seems that the doctors made a mistake, and he managed to get out, but this whole situation greatly affected his life.

Jason Wilson is a longtime developer with numerous games to his credit including James Pond 2: Robocod, Motörhead, Deadline and many more. The last game he worked on as a consultant was the 2019 remake of MediEvil.

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