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“Creating Strong Passwords: Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Accounts Secure”

Sunday, May 21, 2023 | 21:56 WIB

Herman / HE

Keywords illustration.

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Identity, data and account security online very dependent on strength password or your password. The reason is usage password that are weak or easy to guess can make accounts easy for hackers to break into.

Ada 25 password the most widely used worldwide, so it’s easy to guess and should be avoided, namely 123456, password, 12345678, qwerty, 12345, 123456789, letmein, 1234567, football, iloveyou, admin, welcome, monkey, login, abc123, starwars, 123123, dragon, passw0rd, master, hello, freedom, whatever, qazwsx, trustno1. Coupled with the lazy habit of changing password periodically which increases the risk of being hacked.

Unfortunately, even though many people already know about these consequences, many Indonesian people are lazy to replace them password periodically. This is illustrated by the results of the 2023 Indonesian internet user behavior survey released by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII). As many as 66.82% of internet users in Indonesia have never changed password them.

If you don’t want to become a victim of cyber criminals, be diligent about changing password periodically. Additionally, use password strong and hard to break. If you’re still confused, here’s a guide:

1. The password must be 16 characters or more. Conducted password-related research security.org found that 45% of Americans use passwords with eight characters or less, which are not as secure as longer passwords.
2. The password must include a combination of letters, numbers and characters.
3. The same password cannot be used on any other account.
4. The password must not include the user’s personal information such as their address or telephone number. It’s also best not to include any information accessible on social media such as birthdays, names of children or pets. For example the password John99 for John, born in 1999. This would be easy to guess.
5. The password cannot contain consecutive letters or numbers. For example 123456 or ABCDEF
6. The password cannot be the word “password” or the same letters or numbers repeated. For example AAAAA or 111111.

# Password# Create Strong Password# Strong Passwords# Tips for Making Strong Passwords# Password



2023-05-21 14:56:49
#Protect #Online #Accounts #Heres #Create #Passwords #Hard #Crack

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