Trends come and go. However, interior design principles are timeless. Whatever your taste, it’s important to follow two principles. Unity and harmony. Read on to learn what these principles are, why they’re important, and how to apply them to your interior design. Do visit, where you will find decorations that will help create harmony in the room.
What is harmony and unity?
Although unity and harmony sound similar, they play different roles in interior design.
Harmony it feels like all the design elements fit together. They may share a common theme, aesthetic style, or mood. What is important is that each individual element is compatible with each other in some way.
Unity is the repetition of colors, shapes or materials in the interior to create a unified overall image.
One of the techniques used by professional interior designers is to maintain a unified home aesthetic, instead of creating rooms with different themes. It is the first sign that shows that your home interior is at a high level.
Why is this interaction important?
Surely each of us has experienced the unpleasant feeling of entering a room where everything is too much. According to Gestalt psychology, while the human eye continuously perceives information, the brain tries to organize everything into a recognizable pattern. Therefore, when entering a new room, we immediately understand that it is a kitchen or a bathroom.
Harmony and unity create a sense of coherence. Therefore, it is easier to recognize the original model. And this subconsciously allows us to be more relaxed in the space.
How to create it?
Both harmony and unity can be an intuitive feeling that everything is right. But not everyone can feel it! Let’s share some suggestions to help you learn these principles.
- Start by creating a palette. Choose 3-5 shades and repeat them throughout the room.
- Focus on textures. Include different textures that complement each other.
- Play with patterns. For example, the classic stripes on the ottoman go well with a vintage-style rug.
- Add something unexpected. Repetition can make a house too cliche. Accents such as expressive works of art, curtains or furniture will make the room stand out.

2023-05-20 04:58:00
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