Facebook is one of the oldest social networks and, as an offer from the US company Meta, is still one of the most used offers worldwide and on the German market. Not just individuals, too Companies present themselves on Facebook.
In this article, you will learn how to set up your Create a business page on Facebook.
Facebook page for companies, clubs & Co.
There are all kinds of companies and institutions on Facebook: clubs, associations, non-profit organizations, freelancers, online retailers and many more. The platform offers a hardly manageable number of categories that you can select for your company’s Facebook Page.
A Facebook page for companies must always be included be linked to at least one private profile, which takes care of the maintenance of the site. If you consistently separate private and professional things, we recommend a private profile that is registered to your company email address and that you otherwise do not use yourself.
Create a professional Facebook page: How it works
To create a professional Facebook page, log in with the private profile. It is recommended that Create a company page on a desktop: The function is also available on smartphones, but is more confusing in comparison.
In the menu at the top right, click on “pages“. This will take you to the overview of your already linked company or organization pages. In the menu that appears on the left, you can use the button “Create new page“ for your company the Create Facebook presence.
In the first step, Facebook asks for that Your business name and category and offers a live view of what the Facebook page will look like later. Fill in the free text fields accordingly and select up to three suitable categories from the drop-down menu.
Quelle: Screenshot Facebook
The most important step is already done by clicking on “Create page”. As soon as you see the message “You can now add images or other information about your site.‘ you can start filling in all the details.
These include in the first step:
- profile pic (recommended size: 800 x 800 pixels)
- cover photo (recommended size: 820 x 312 pixels)
- Linking to WhatsApp Business
Once you have entered the first information, you can call up various options for configuring the Facebook page in the left column. Below we present them to you most important functions in front:
- Edit Page Info: Add information such as address, opening hours, contact, location, data protection information, etc
- settings: Add admins and moderators to the site, manage settings, message behavior, configure notifications, link Instagram and/or WhatsApp and other technical setting options
- AdCenter: Create and manage ads
- Insights: Monitor visitor numbers
- manage store: Possibility to integrate an online shop or to process directly via Facebook
- Meta Business Suite: Manage messages, schedule posts and install business apps
Quelle: Screenshot Facebook
As soon as you have made all the necessary settings and entered information, you can start Write posts and share content. To do this, click on “Create post”. There are numerous options in the window that opens. You can pure text content publish as well pictures and videos upload or to a special actioncall n.
Quelle: Screenshot Facebook
In order to have lasting success with marketing measures on Facebook, you should have a structured editorial plan pursue. Content marketing is a central tool in the marketing of every company to address potential and existing customers.
Fee-free: When you create a Facebook Page, there are no costs
There is no cost for any of the steps described above. The Creating a Company Page is like opening a private account on the platform for free. Compared to other social networks such as Xing or LinkedIn, there are no premium accounts that give you more opportunities to increase your company and its reach.
are suitable for this advertisementswhich you can access via the left menu bar under “AdCenter” Find. Facebook Ads are suitable for target group-specific marketing and sales measures, can be monitored and controlled in detail and also offer extensive evaluations and analyzes after the end of a campaign.
the You are free to choose the costs for a campaign. However, the actual company profile remains free of charge at all times.
Conclusion: create a Facebook page for your company: a few clicks to success
With approximately 1.9 billion daily active users Facebook is one of the most used social networks in the world. It is all the more logical that companies think about their presence on the platform do.
With smart marketing, you can reach people on Facebook who are interested in what you have to offer. If your target group is romping around on the platform and you have not yet created a Facebook page for your company: it is necessary just a few clickswhether on a desktop PC or smartphone.
Title: Tero Vesalainen / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Originally published March 21, 2022, updated March 21 2022