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Create Museum Content, Not Social Media


Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil finally opened his voice about the spotlight on the Rp 15 billion Al Jabbar Mosque content project. Ridwan Kamil feels disadvantaged because the ‘content’ narrative that has been perceived so far is not in the form of content for publication needs on social media.

“This needs to be known, yes, that yeah museum content, not social media content. It must be noisy, we are at a disadvantage because it is not true. The truth is that there is a museum under the Al Jabbar Mosque, the contents are all digital, the fees go there,” said Ridwan Kamil, as reported by detikjabarThursday (12/1/2023).

“So I don’t want to promote the Al Jabbar Mosque, me I also remember (I know too), cheap ari (if) social media content mah,” said the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil, adding after attending the event at Graha Tirta Siliwangi, Bandung City.

Regarding the highlight of the content value of the Al Jabbar Mosque which reaches IDR 15 billion, Kang Emil ensures that there are standard rules for the use of state money. He emphasized that the use of the state budget has been regulated in such a way, including the standard price for items needed.

“In state spending there are standards, for private people there are no limits for spending, in the state there are limits. This floor, for example, cannot be expensive, because there are guidelines for maximum state spending,” he said.

“So if you say it’s expensive, it’s not expensive, what’s the amount of content in the museum, maybe there’s a lot. So don’t come up with the number billion, it means it’s expensive, first look at what the spending is for. So don’t jump to conclusions,” said Kang Emil.

Read more here.

Watch the video ‘Seeing the splendor of the Al Jabbar Great Mosque in Bandung’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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