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Crazy! Vaccination opponents have Corona education video from Chemnitz Clinic blocked from YouTube

18.01.2021 06:24 21.215

Crazy! Vaccination opponents have Corona education video from Chemnitz Clinic blocked from YouTube

Vaccination opponents paralyzed a vaccination education video from the Chemnitz Clinic. They claimed it was spreading “untruths”

Chemnitz / Dresden – Incredible, but true: Suspected vaccination opponents put a vaccination education video of the Chemnitz Clinic lame. They claimed that it contained “untruths” spread. Just that is ea lie.

With a mask, but easy to understand: Dr. Thomas Grünewald (56). © Kristin Schmidt

How do you manage to have a post on YouTube blocked? Very simple: get in touch and lie the blue of the sky.

That happened to Dr. Thomas Grünewald (56) from the Chemnitz Clinic. His webinar on the Sars-Cov-2 vaccination was suddenly no longer available. When Grünewald asked about this on YouTube, he learned that a caller had claimed that the video contained fake news.

Grünewald managed to get the video back online. He didn’t have to argue much. The doctor of medicine from the Clinic for Infection and Tropical Medicine at the Chemnitz Clinic is head of the Saxon Vaccination Commission.

Among other things, he advises the Saxon Ministry of Health and the State Medical Association, which provides its webinars as information material for doctors.

Grünewald has not filed a criminal complaint. “I would love not to talk about it at all,” he says. But education is important for the corona vaccination.

In the vaccination centers, the serum is drawn into syringes.

In the vaccination centers, the serum is drawn into syringes. © picture alliance / dpa

After the intensive discussion with the clinic staff in southwest Saxony – also with the help of the video – the willingness to vaccinate has increased from 30 to 50 percent to around 80 percent, says Grünewald. According to a survey, doctors nationwide willingness to vaccinate was 73 percent, and nursing staff was almost 50 percent (as of December 2020).

At the Chemnitz Clinic, 1,500 of 2,400 employees have already been vaccinated. There is currently no serum for further vaccinations.

But who is behind the YouTube campaign? Opponents of vaccinations, Grünewald is sure of that. The research by the hospital clearly points in this direction.

The most striking thing: parallel to the call to YouTube, Grünewald received a series of emails from anti-vaccination agents. He is the target of more or less aggressive emails every week. But Grünewald continues.

Grünewald is not intimidated.

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