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crazy prices and rush to stocks- Corriere.it

AdBlue crisis: the additive necessary for the operation of the latest generation Diesel engines precious goods also online: AdBlue price sixfold on Amazon, not to mention eBay

There is no peace for hauliers and owners of Euro 5 and 6 vehicles for it stop of AdBlue production, additive necessary for the operation of the latest generation diesel engines. The arrest of Yara Italia from Ferrara (responsible for 60% of production in Italy) as expected, is throwing the road transport chain dependent on AdBlue into chaos, generating phenomena of product hoarding and speculation.

Despite the initial reassurances, the price of AdBlue doubled almost immediately, from 25 to 50 cents per liter. The trend seems far from temporary and today’s situation confirms this: a real race to the last tank is underway with prices sometimes even sixfold even on online platforms. With demand now skyrocketing and AdBlue stocks taken by storm, the internet remains the last hope for many to cope with the emergency. And so what, su Amazon e Subito.it, a 5 liter tank of additive costs around 17 euros, while the price for a 10-liter drum ranges between 23 and 40.90 euros approximately. It doesn’t get any better on Ebaywhere there are those who, taking advantage of the right moment, try to sell a 10-liter tank at the modest – perhaps for those who sell it – figure of 1.800 euro.


October 29, 2021 (change October 29, 2021 | 18:26)

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