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“Crazy camp boogie”: Givors mayor insulted, Darmanin says “disgusted”

“Four pages of slander, racial hatred and threats. “Friday morning, the mayor (various left and environmentalist) of Givors (Rhône), Mohamed Boudjellaba, had the bad surprise to receive a long anonymous letter of threats and insults against him. Racist abuse that he strongly denounced on social networks.

“I received yesterday morning in town hall an abject letter, which has only one vocation: to intimidate me, through racist insults and death threats”, he testifies. on his Facebook account.

In the letter, four pages long, threats and insults follow one after the other: “Go crazy, the camp bougnoule if you do not want to burn like a merguez”; “We still know how to use a machine gun”; “And the war you are going to have busted”; “You had better get out as quickly as possible because you know how it looks like a bomb in a house, it goes boom”, details the elected official, who has been in office since last June.

“Despicable” and “unbearable” words

In response, the mayor of the town in the suburbs of Lyon claims to have decided to file a complaint and intends to send an alert letter to the public prosecutor and the local prefect. “With my team, we have made living together and the fight against incivility a priority. It demands that each of us never ignore such words. That the authors of these lines be informed: we will not give in to hatred, ”promises the city councilor.

Many personalities strongly condemned the letter and lent their support to Mohamed Boudjellaba. His Communist rival, Christiane Charnay, denounced an “infamous” letter, as did his competitor from the National Rally, Antoine Mellies, who deemed the letter “unacceptable”.

On Twitter, the prefect of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region also condemned “with the greatest firmness the abject remarks” aimed at Mohamed Boudjellaba. “Racism as well as all forms of discrimination have no place in our Republic”, he assures on his account.

Sunday afternoon, it was the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, who expressed his support for the mayor, saying he was “disgusted” by these “unbearable racist remarks”. “To attack an elected official is to attack the Republic. Hatred has no place in our society, we will not let anything go, ”the minister insisted.

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