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crackdown and meeting at the Viminale – Il Tempo

The institutions say enough to racists. A meeting was held at the Viminale, chaired by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi, with the aim of sharing the elaboration of any useful initiative to provide even more timely and effective responses to acts of anti-Semitism and racism at football matches. The meeting was attended by the National Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism Giuseppe Pecoraro, the Undersecretary Nicola Molteni, the Chief of Police-General Director of Public Security, Lamberto Giannini, the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Noemi Di Segni , the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Ruth Dureghello, the President of the Italian Football Federation, Gabriele Gravina and, for Lega Serie A, Manuela Bertona.

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During the session, after a careful analysis of the recent episodes that took place in the stadiums, the presentation of a government document was shared for greater responsibility in the world of football, also through the strengthening of the tool of the code of ethics and the implementation of systems video surveillance inside the plants. The goal is to carry out more effective actions both in terms of contrasting the serious phenomenon, also to promptly prosecute those responsible for such acts, and in terms of prevention, with the active participation of the football clubs themselves and acting, in particular, on the extreme fringes of the fans.

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During the meeting, the importance of adopting initiatives to affirm the values ​​of “respect and reputation” was also highlighted, with a view to enhancing the proactive actions implemented by the football clubs. Lastly, the creation of targeted information and communication campaigns was evaluated with the involvement of the Observatory for safety against discriminatory acts, active at the Interior Ministry. The range of interventions to be implemented will shortly be analysed, also from a technical point of view, in a new meeting of the table. Everyone is fed up with the constant episodes that happen in Italian football.

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