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CPTS: New Health Organizations Aim to Improve Access to Care and Patient Services in Rhône

Their objective ? Promote access to care for the inhabitants of their territory with, in particular, better coordination between community medicine and the hospital.

With these two new signatures, there a now 23 CPTS approved in the Rhône.

CPTS: a collective of health professionals serving patients

Territorial professional health communities (CPTS) are organizations led by health professionals in a defined territory. Their aim is to provide answers to the health problems of the population they cover and to the needs of health professionals.

The CPTS Croix-Rousse Presqu’île covers a population of 97,000 inhabitants, spread over 3 districts: the 1st arrondissement, the 2nd arrondissement and the 4th arrondissement of Lyon. It brings together 78 member health professionals, including 16 masseurs-physiotherapists and 10 speech therapists.

The CPTS Multiprofessional Care of Vaulx-en-Velin covers a population of 51,800 inhabitants. It brings together 56 member health professionals, including 13 general practitioners and 10 state-certified nurses.

Support from Health Insurance and the Regional Health Agency

Health Insurance and the Regional Health Agency (ARS) support these organizations and allow them, through the Interprofessional Conventional Agreement (ACI), to benefit from significant funding to help them deploy their actions.

Each of these CPTS obtained funding of €15,000 from the ARS to help with the start-up and structuring of their project.

The signing of the ACI contract this Friday, December 22 alongside the Caisse primary d’Assurance Maladie du Rhône (CPAM) and the ARS allows the CPTS to implement their health project. They can benefit from annual funding from the CPAM du Rhône of up to:

  • €457,500 for the CPTS Croix-Rousse Presqu’île,
  • €382,500 for the CPTS Multiprofessional Care Vaulx-en-Velin.

A desire to respond to major health issues in the region

These two CPTS aim to reduce the number of patients without a treating doctor in their territory. To do this, they intend to identify doctors still accepting patients or promote innovative systems such as cooperation protocols, medical assistants or even Advanced Practice Nurses (IPA). The CPTS Croix Rousse Presqu’île is particularly committed to developing task delegation protocols, particularly with regard to tonsillitis, cystitis and the renewal of prescriptions for allergies, in conjunction with biologists, pharmacists and allergists. of the territory.

This will also allow them to free up medical time and thus be able to respond to requests for unscheduled care, in coordination with the Access to Care Service (SAS).

Prevention is also a strong focus of these CPTS which intend to mobilize all the different health professionals in improving vaccination coverage in the territory or in increasing the use of breast and cervical cancer screenings. uterus and colorectal cancer.

The CPTS have been a strong link in the management of the health crisis. They are therefore all keen to build an action plan allowing them to be included in the response to future serious health crises.

A health project adapted to the needs of the population

To build a health project adapted to the needs of the population, each CPTS, accompanied by the CPAM du Rhône and the ARS, conducts an in-depth study of the demographic situation in its territory and proposes actions with regard to the problems identified.

  • The CPTS Croix-Rousse Presqu’île aims to strengthen knowledge and management of mental health in its territory. To do this, it will develop strong cooperation with the Le Vinatier Hospital Center. She also intends to invest in the field of postnatal rehabilitation in order to improve the health of postpartum women. For this, it will mobilize its entire network of doctors, physiotherapists, midwives, pharmacies, gynecologists and partner maternity wards in the region.
  • The CPTS Multiprofessional Care of Vaulx-en-Velin intends to develop strong partnerships with healthcare professionals but also with the town hall, social and medico-social actors to reach the most vulnerable people; it wishes to define a standard course of care for women victims of domestic violence and to harmonize its application between the different structures in the territory. She also plans to work to facilitate the return home of elderly people following hospitalization. Finally, it intends to promote the attractiveness of the region, particularly among health students on internships with a view to possible future installations.

The entire office thanks the CPAM and the ARS for their confidence in the support and success of this CPTS Croix-Rousse Presqu’île health project, born more than 18 months ago thanks to the initiative of some independent health professionals in the region: nurses, midwives, doctors and physiotherapists.

Many challenges await us in 2024: maintaining this emerging territorial dynamic which is manifested by the numerous requests for membership from professionals to our association, and achieving the first objectives defined in our project to meet the specific health needs of patients in our territory. of the 1st, 2nd and 4th arrondissements of Lyon.

The CPTS Croix-Rousse Presqu’île

The CPTS Soins Pluriprofessionnels de Vaulx-en-Velin (SPVV) is pleased to realize today the launch of its health project which is close to our hearts to improve the health of the people of Vaud. It is the culmination of a long and enriching collective work. We thank all those who actively contributed to its writing.

The CPTS Multiprofessional Care of Vaulx-en-Velin

2023-12-22 14:53:57
#ACCESS #CARE #RHÔNE #Creation #professional #territorial #health #communities #CPTS #serving #users #territory

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