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CPPCC Conveys Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Speech and Discusses Flood Prevention and Disaster Relief Work

On August 18, the party group of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a meeting to convey the spirit of learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of important instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief work, and exchanged and discussed “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works”. Dai Yuan, secretary and chairman of the CPPCC Party Committee, presided over and delivered a speech.
The meeting pointed out that the CPPCC should thoroughly study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on Jiangsu work, and firmly grasp the scientific connotation and essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization , firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner; to better play the role of specialized consultation agencies, combine the eight key tasks proposed by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Municipal Party Committee, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and actively make suggestions Contribute the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC to strive to write a Chinese-style modern Changzhou answer sheet; prepare for the development of theme education, firmly grasp the general requirements of theme education, and carefully organize and implement it under the unified leadership of the municipal party committee to ensure the success of theme education Real results.
Zhang Chunfu, Deputy Secretary of the CPPCC Party Group, and Wu Xinfa, Zhao Zhengbin, Shi Zhengda, Ge Zhijun, and Zhou Xiaohua, members of the Party Group attended the meeting. Zhang Jialin, Tang Huaxin, and Zhu Zhengqing, vice chairmen of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting.

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2023-08-19 01:04:09
#Party #Group #CPPCC #held #meeting #Changzhou #Peoples #Government #Network

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