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CPNB has seen strange voting behavior with several books for NS Audience Award | Book & Culture

The cancellation of the NS Audience Award raised many questions on Wednesday. The Collective Propaganda Foundation of the Dutch Book (CPNB) then provides further information. For example, there would have been several books in which strange voting behavior could be seen.

“Signs of manipulation with the NS Audience Award voting form emerged this weekend,” summarizes the foundation. “The CPNB then had the voting form critically examined. As a result, an additional safety valve was incorporated by adding a verification email. Unfortunately, it was later found that too many irregularities and forms of manipulation had occurred. digital that could still last place. “.

The verification also applied to the votes previously cast; then everyone received an email to verify their vote. It is unclear how the CPNB can therefore see the difference between manipulation and a normal vote. A spokesperson told NU.nl that there were doubts about several books.

Several initiatives have been circulating on Twitter recently. This was also the name of a book by Marc van Ranst, as a counterpoint The Corona deception by Thierry Baudet. The CPNB itself does not mention any specific titles.

“It has proved impossible for the CPNB to determine in the short term who is responsible for the irregularities and forms of digital manipulation,” the foundation said. “That is why we found it improper to exclude authors or books from the NS Public Prize 2022”.

“It also became clear that the voting form could not be guaranteed in the short term in such a way as to guarantee a reliable voting result. In light of this, the CPNB considers its decision the most careful solution.”

Voting was suspended for several hours last weekend, as complaints had been received from MPs claiming that their email addresses had been used. They would have voted for Thierry Baudet’s book The Corona deception. The NS Audience Award was to be awarded on Wednesday 16 November.

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