The view in Simno’s central square will soon become neater, cozier and greener than it was until now. Old, worn pots will be replaced with new ones. And more than 130 trees, perennial flowers and other plants will turn green and bloom in them. In the future, for the convenience and relaxation of the residents, a square with new benches and plants will be installed next to the monument for the scattered children of the Simno region.
“Last spring, my team and I inspected Simno’s public spaces. The sight was really saddening – the cobblestones near the precinct were broken, the greenery was ragged, the pots were old and cracked. Simnas is definitely worth more. The entrances to the old town have already been fixed, as has the sidewalk from the cemetery to the church. Now we will strive for more greenery, order and coziness to appear in the city center”, said Alytus District Municipality Mayor Rasa Vitkauskienė about the plans to renew the public spaces of Simnos.
Even last year, at the beginning of the new term of office of the Alytus district government, the district leaders who visited Simne were in a very sad mood by the sight of the central city square and other spaces – poor-looking greenery, morally outdated flower pots, grass-covered sidewalks, and their cobblestones distorted.

This time, the district leaders who visited Simne decided to look for funding to revive public spaces, clean sidewalks, improve the environment of apartment buildings, and equip children’s playgrounds.
The first works begin in the very heart of the city – the central square. New pots will be placed here already in May. The square will be decorated with plants and their compositions bought from a local business. In total, Simna will be decorated with more than 130 new trees, perennial flowers and other plants – Japanese scripsulas, sedges, miscanthus, sunflowers, honeysuckle and others.
The main square of Simno will be renovated in two phases. In the second phase, a square will be installed.
Information from the Communication Department of the Alytus District Municipality Administration
#Cozy #green #spaces #heart #city #Simno
– 2024-04-15 09:28:57