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Covid, WHO: “Isolate even the asymptomatic to block the chain”

And the mask in the classroom?
«WHO and Unicef ​​have just published guidelines on appropriate use: no up to 5 years, from 6 to 11 it should be worn if there is a risk of transmission, above 12 the rules for adults apply. However, the mask alone does not protect against the virus that must be fought with distance, hygiene and isolation at home if you are sick ».

Are young people as contagious as adults?
“Our knowledge is still limited. Children affected by the virus account for 1 to 3% of global cases. Over the age of 10 they are infected like adults but develop mild symptoms even if some are hospitalized. The virus must be avoided, at any age. It is always dangerous ».

What is the fear of WHO?
«Rather than focusing on fears, we must do our utmost to reopen the school safely. I thank Speranza for promoting participation in the WHO-Europe meeting among the 53 countries on 31 August. Among the fundamental interventions, hygiene, distancing, staggered lesson times, small groups of students, temporary closures in areas affected by infections. I am the father of two teenagers, school means socializing and for children it is a source of psychological well-being ».

In Italy, cases are increasing and intensive care is not crowded. Is this a sign of Covid-19 surrender?
“We don’t know if the second wave will happen and when. We must take advantage of the window of opportunity offered by the effect of the effective measures put in place. In the last month, two thirds of European countries have reintroduced restrictions. Compared to the first phase it has changed that they are largely localized. We are learning to refine interventions to reduce the impact on health and society ».

Is there only the WHO at the helm of health?
«I have set up a pan-European commission for health and sustainable development and I am proud that Professor Mario Monti, president of Bocconi University, has agreed to chair it. The Commission will deliver independent opinions to WHO to rethink health policies in a general sense and reschedule the new reality. The final report will be presented in September 2021 ».

Did Italy do well by implementing the lockdown?
«Last March I supported Italy, which took a courageous decision. This has meant putting health before economic considerations. People responded with resilience and solidarity, an example for the world

What do we know about the asymptomatic?
“People without symptoms can transmit the virus. Even if an individual becomes more contagious as symptoms develop, all infected have the ability to transmit it. That is why it is so important that all positives are diagnosed, isolated, and given medical assistance. These measures block the chain of transmission ».

Has the origin of Sars-Cov-2 been discovered?
The available evidence suggests the virus has an animal origin, probably in bats, but we believe that another intermediary animal plays a role in transmission to humans. Until the reservoir of infection is identified and controlled, there will be the risk of reintroduction into the population and of new outbreaks ».

September 6, 2020 (change September 6, 2020 | 22:19)


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