Home » today » News » Covid vaccine in Lazio, third dose at 5 months: 14 thousand requests in advance from those who were booked. Cases boom: 1.456- Corriere.it

Covid vaccine in Lazio, third dose at 5 months: 14 thousand requests in advance from those who were booked. Cases boom: 1.456- Corriere.it

from Clarida Salvatori

The IT system is already aligned with the ministerial circular. Those who have booked for six months and want to bring the recall date earlier can do so directly online by going to appointment management

In record time, Lazio adapted to the circular, issued late yesterday by the Ministry of Health, which provides the booster with third dose of the anti Covid vaccine 150 days instead of 180. And already in the night the brain of the regional platform was updated, so that from the early hours of the morning the appointments could be set for 5 months. But not only that: only today they were 40 thousand reservations were made and 14 thousand requests for down payments by those who had previously booked. They still remain available for the month of December beyond 300mila slot e pi di 500mila for the month of January.

From this morning the booking system for the Covid vaccine of Lazio (https://prenotavaccino-covid.regione.lazio.it/main/home) in line with the new regulations of the ministerial circular – has communicated theCovid Regional Crisis Unit -. And already aligned with the 150-day timeline. For who had already booked in the past few days and had therefore an appointment at six months, can leave everything unchanged or use the appointment management option and change the date directly online.

The rush to the third dose gi account 490 thousand administrations. Equal to 10% of the population. I hope that he will come shortly eliminated the age constraint keeping exclusively the temporal distance from the last administration – specified the regional councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato -. In the last few days there has been a increase of the first doses, which yesterday they have exceeded the 2 thousand mark to demonstrate a small erosion of the hard core who had not yet been vaccinated. The total number of administrations exceeded 9 million and 150 thousand with a weekly increase of 17%. We must proceed quickly, the next few days will be of turbulence.

And to expand the offer they are in the process of reactivation 14 dormant vaccine hubs. And not only. next the reopening of the Cecchignola, just for increase third doses in Lazio and Rome – said the extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, in connection with theOpen day for pregnant and breastfeeding women at the Sant’Eugenio hospital -. In our team work, Lazio really did their part very well.

Meanwhile, the bulletin of new Covid cases in the region records record figures: Today in Lazio on 17,087 molecular swabs and 31,544 antigenic swabs for a total of 48,631 tests, 1,456 new positive cases are recorded (+516), but 259 in the ASL Roma 1 are previous notifications, without which today’s cases would have been 1,197 – specifies the councilor for regional health, Alessio D’Amato -. Four deaths (-11), 677 hospitalized (+21), 84 new entrants to intensive care (stable) and +765 recovered. The ratio of positives to swabs was 2.9%. The cases in Rome city are at 931. Out of four deaths, three were unvaccinated people, D’Amato points out.

even rushed to the recall before Christmas. Yesterday the third doses were 85% of the total administered. Today, with the possibility of booking 5 months from the end of the vaccination course for the over 40s, the site has been stormed and there are some slowdowns but reservations are open and guaranteed by the Region. The system places the user on the earliest possible date, just the health card and choose the vaccination hub or pharmacy. The recall can also be made by your general practitioner, in this case the doctor’s office must be contacted directly. Exceeded 9 million administrations: 94% of adults and 88% of over 12s received the double dose.


November 23, 2021 (change November 23, 2021 | 20:25)

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