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Covid Vaccine Combinations: The Opinion …

The infectious disease doctor at the Muñiz Hospital and a member of the Committee of Experts that advises the national government, Tomás Orduna, assured this Thursday that “Some vaccine combinations have been shown to improve efficacy and have no major adverse effects”.

“There are two things that are evaluated with the combination of vaccines, on the one hand it is necessary to evaluate that they are safe, that is, that they do not produce serious adverse effects, which for now, luckily, has not been demonstrated,” explained the head of Tropical and Traveler Medicine from Hospital Muñiz, in dialogue with El Uncover Radio.

The expert clarified that if there were any collateral effects, it would only be “a decline with a higher fever in any of the combinations, but nothing more than that.”

In second place, Orduna stressed that the effectiveness of the combinations is evaluated and it has been proven that it improves the immune response in some cases.

Likewise, he indicated that the possibility of combining vaccines also has the advantage that “if some factory, for whatever reason, cannot provide in a timely manner, as has happened with the second dose of Sputnik, which is more difficult to produce, the combination makes it possible to continue completing the vaccination schedule. “

Later, the infectologist added that the Gamaleya Institute “is working on a protocol with Chinese vaccines, applying the first dose of Sputnik and the second with another Chinese vaccine,” and said that since January “various protocols” are being developed in different parts of the country. world.

With regard to the epidemiological situation of the country, the doctor said that the numbers indicate that “we are still in the middle of a pandemic, despite the fact that in the last three weeks we have reduced infections by 40 percent”, although he warned that “a only number is a photo, and what one should look at is what happens every 14 days “.

Regarding the occupation of intensive therapy beds, Orduna explained that “We have vacated a thousand beds in the last fifteen days, which shows that something is coming down, albeit slowly. “

Finally, he stressed that it is being observed how the vaccination program has a positive impact on the reduction of the transmission of the virus, but stressed that, in parallel to the inoculation campaign, “each one has to comply with the minimum and indispensable in relation to the social distancing”.

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