Home » today » News » Covid Tuscany January 14, 11,859 new cases. 67.3% positivity rate – Chronicle

Covid Tuscany January 14, 11,859 new cases. 67.3% positivity rate – Chronicle

Florence, January 14, 2022 – There are 11,859 new coronavirus cases registered in Tuscany on Friday 14 January. The positivity rate on the first swabs is 67.3%. These are the numbers of the spread of the infection in Tuscany.

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The contagion map

There are several provinces that even on this Friday 14 January exceed a thousand cases. However, here is the complete picture. Arezzo 1178 almost, Florence 3726, Grosseto 547, Livorno 1017, Lucca 1154, Pulp 529, Pisa 1273, lawn 838, Pistoia 963, Siena 634.

The rate of positives on the total of the first swabs, day by day

Positivity rate

The rate of positivity is cooling down very slowly. The rate of new positives is 16.68% (67.3% on first diagnoses).

The trend of daily infections in Tuscany.  The surge in September is noticeable

The ages of contagion

The 0-11 age group sees beyond 1500 infected: the covid problem continues for children, with hundreds of positives per day. But the group most under attack by the virus remains that of the 50-59 year-olds, who see 1890 infections in 24 hours. About 500 infected with more than eighty years.

National incidence

On Friday morning the new national numbers of the incidence were released from the Higher Institute of Health. The weekly incidence of Covid cases nationwide continues to increase: 1988 per 100,000 inhabitants (07/01/2022 -13/01/2021) against 1669 per 100,000 inhabitants (31/12/2021 -06/01/2021, data stream Ministry of Health). In the period December 22, 2021 – January 4, 2022, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was instead equal to 1.56 (range 1.24 – 1.8), a further increase compared to the previous week – when it was equal to 1.43 – and well above of the epidemic threshold.

Tuscany yellow zone

Tuscany will in all likelihood remain yellow zone also for the week from 17 to 23 January. The saturation rate values ​​of intensive care units and ordinary covid wards are currently within the limits of the yellow zone. The saturation of ordinary departments is around 23%, around 21% that of intensive care.

Livorno, 26 years old, dies of covid

A 26-year-old from Livorno died of covid after more than a month of hospitalization in intensive care in Livorno. Il Tirreno reports it. The young man had previous illnesses. He is the youngest victim for the covid in the city of Labron.

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